פרופ' פרץ שובל

שם:פרופ' פרץ שובל
מחלקה:ביה״ס מערכות מידע
דוא"ל:[email protected]

Scientific Publications

A) Authored Books:

Shoval (2015). Planning, Analysis and Design of Information Systems, 2nd (Revised) Edition. The Open University Press, 3 Volumes:

Volume 1: Planning (404 pages).

Volume 2: Analysis and design of information systems using the functional approach (482 pages).

Volume 3: Analysis and design of information systems using the object-oriented approach (297 pages).

Shoval (2007). Functional and Object-Oriented Analysis & Design – An Integrated Methodology. Idea Publishing – IGI (337 pages).

Shoval (2004). Analysis & Design of Information Systems – Combining Processes and Objects. The Open University Press (314 pages).

Shoval (1998). Planning, Analysis and Design of Information Systems. The Open University Press, 3 Volumes:

Volume 1: Planning (291 pages).

Volume 2: Analysis and Design (383 pages).

Volume 3: Prototyping, CASE, and Object-Oriented Approach (182 pages).

B) Monograms:

Shoval (1992; 1994; 1998; 2002; 2006). Files Organization and Processing – Lecture Notes, BGU (117 pages).

Shoval (1992; 1994). Systems Analysis and Design with ADISSA Methodology – Lecture Notes, BGU (128 pages).

C) Ph.D. Dissertation:

Shoval (1981). An Expert Consultation System for a Retrieval Database with a Semantic-Network of Concepts. University of Pittsburgh. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University Microfilms.

D) Editorship of Collective Volumes:

Parsons, M. Saeki, P. Shoval, C. Woo and Y. Wand (2010), Editors: Conceptual Modeling – ER2010, Proceedings of the 29th Int'l Conf. on Conceptual Modeling, Vancouver, Canada, November 2010, LNCS 6412, Springer (488 pages).

Shoval and A. Silberschatz (1998). Guest Editors: Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 28 (95 pages).

Shoval and A. Silberschatz (1997), Editors: Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Proceedings of the 3rd NGITS Workshop, June 1977 (252 pages).

Shoval (1991), Editor: Proceeding of the 26th Annual IPAI (Information Processing Association of Israel) National Conference, Jerusalem, October 1991 (396 pages).

C) Journal Papers:

Roy-Hubara, L. Rokach, B. Shapira, P. Shoval (2017). "Modeling graphical database schema", IEEE IT Professional, Vol. 19(6), 34-43.‏

Landwehr, J. Ludewig, R. Meersman, D.L. Parnas, P. Shoval, Y. Wand, D. Weiss, E. Weyuker (2016). "Software Systems Engineering – a capability approach", The Journal of Systems and Software (JSS), Vol. 125, pp. 354-364.

Dahan, P. Shoval, A. Sturm (2014). "Comparing the impact of the OO-DFD and the Use Case methods for modeling functional requirements on comprehension and quality of models – a controlled experiment". Requirements Engineering, Vol. 19, pp. 27–43.

              (First published on line on May 2012.)

Abramov, A. Sturm, P. Shoval (2012). "Evaluation of the Pattern-based method for Secure Development (PbSD): a controlled experiment". Information & Software Technology, Vol. 54, pp. 1029-1043.

Abramov, O. Anson, M. Dahan, P. Shoval, A. Sturm (2012). "A methodology for integrating access control policies within database development". Computers and Security, Vol. 31 (3), pp. 299-314.

Maidel, P. Shoval, B. Shapira, M. Taieb-Maimon (2010). "Ontological content-based filtering for personalised newspapers: a method and its evaluation". Online Information Review (OIR), Vol. 34 (5), pp.729 – 756.

Shapira, P. Shoval, J. Meyer and N. Tractinsky (2009). "ePaper – a personalized mobile newspaper". Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), Vol. 60 (11), pp. 2333-2346.

Shoval, V. Maidel and B. Shapira (2008). "An ontology- content-based filtering method". Int'l Journal of Information Theories and Applications, Vol. 15 (4), pp. 303-314. (An earlier version appeared in: Proc. of 5th Int'l Conference on Information & Research Applications – I.Tech-2007, Varna, Bulgaria, June 2007, pp. 51-63.)

Kuflik, Z. Boger and P. Shoval (2006). "Filtering search results using an optimal set of terms identified by an Artificial Neural Network". Information Processing & Management, Vol. 42, pp. 469-483.

Shoval and J. Kabeli (2005). "Data modeling or functional modeling – which comes first? An experimental comparison". Communications of the AIS (Association of Information Systems), Vol. 16, pp. 827-843.

Glezer, M. Last, E. Nahmani and P. Shoval (2005). "Quality and comprehension of UML interaction diagrams – an experimental comparison". Information & Software Technology, Vol. 47, pp. 675-692.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2004). "Comprehension and quality of analysis specifications – a comparison of FOOM and OPM methodologies". Information & Software Technology, Vol. 47 (4), pp. 271-290.

Shoval, R. Danoch and M. Balabam (2004). "Hierarchical entity-relationship diagrams: the model, method of creation and experimental evaluation". Requirements Engineering, Vol. 9, pp. 217-228.

Shoval and T. Kuflik (2004). "Effectiveness of title-search vs. full-text search in the Web". Int'l Journal of Information Theories & Applications, Vol. 11 (2), p. 151-157.

Kuflik, B. Shapira and P. Shoval (2003). "Stereotype-based versus personal-based filtering rules in information filtering systems". Journal of the American Society for Information Science & Technology (JASIST), Vol. 54 (30), pp. 243-250.

Balaban and P. Shoval (2002). “MEER – an EER model enhanced with structure methods”. Information Systems, Vol. 27, pp. 245-275.

Lazarov and P. Shoval (2002). “A rule-based system for automatic assignment of technicians to service faults”. Decision Support Systems, Vol. 32, pp. 343-360.

Hanani, B. Shapira and P. Shoval (2001). Information filtering: overview of issues, research and systems”. User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction (UMUAI), Vol. 11 (3), August, pp. 203-259.

Also translated into Chinese and appeared in an abbreviated version in: New Technology of Library and Information Service (2005/6), pp. 30-38. (Translated and abbreviated by Cheng Ni, Cui Jianhai and Wang Jun).

Boger, T. Kuflik, P. Shoval and B. Shapira (2001). “Automatic keyword identification by artificial neural networks compared to manual identification by users of filtering systems”. Information Processing & Management, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 187-198.

Shoval and J. Kabeli (2001). “FOOM: functional- and object-oriented analysis & design of information systems – an integrated methodology”. Journal of Database Management, Vol. 12 (1), pp. 15-25.

Shapira, P. Shoval and U. Hanani (1999). “Experimentation with an information filtering system that combines cognitive and sociological filtering integrated with user stereotypes”. Decision Support Systems, Vol. 27, pp. 5-24.

Balaban and P. Shoval (1999). “Enhancing the ER model with integrity methods”. Journal of Database Management, Vol. 10 (4), pp. 14-23.

Shoval and O. Feldman (1997). “A combination of the Mk-II function points software estimation method with the ADISSA methodology for systems analysis and design”. Information & Software Technology, Vol. 39, pp. 855-865.

Shapira, P. Shoval and U. Hanani (1997). “Stereotypes in information filtering systems”. Information Processing & Management, Vol. 33 (3), pp. 273-287.

Shapira, U. Hanani, A. Raveh and P. Shoval (1997). “Information filtering: a new two-phase model using stereotypic user profiling”. Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol. 8, pp. 155-165.

Shoval (1997). “Experimental comparisons of Entity-Relationship and Object-Oriented data models”. Australian Journal of Information Systems, Vol. 4 (2), pp. 74-81. (Originally presented at CAISE Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD'96), Crete, Greece, May.)

Shoval and S. Shiran (1997). “Entity-Relationship and Object-Oriented data modeling – an experimental comparison of design quality". Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Vol. 21, pp. 297-315.

Shoval and R. Giladi (1996). “Determination of an implementation order for IS projects”. Information & Management, Vol. 31, pp. 67-74.

Shapira, P. Shoval, A. Raveh, U. Hanani (1996). “Hypertext browsing: a new model based on information filtering with user profiles using data analysis methods”. Online & CD-ROM Review, Vol. 20 (1), pp. 3-10.

Shoval (1995). "Experimental comparison between automatic and manual menu-interface design methods". Interacting With Computers, Vol. 7 (1), pp. 73-89.

Shoval (1995). "Structured method for designing subsystems". Information & Software Technology, Vol. 37 (2), pp. 79-85.

Kornatzky and P. Shoval (1994). "Conceptual design of object-oriented database schemas using the binary-relationship model". Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Vol. 14, pp. 265-288.

Shoval and I. Frumermann (1994). "OO and EER conceptual schemas: a comparison of use comprehension".Journal of Database Management, Vol. 5 (4), pp. 28-38.

Giladi and P. Shoval (1994). "An architecture of an intelligent system for routing user requests in a network of heterogeneous databases". Journal of Intelligent Information Systems (JIIS), Vol. 3, pp. 205-221.

Mehrez, G. Howard, Y. Lugasi and P. Shoval (1993). "Information system planning and selection: a multi-attribute theoretic approach". The Computer Journal, Vol. 36 (6), pp. 525-541.

Shoval and N. Shreiber (1993). "Database reverse engineering: from the relational to the binary-relationship model". Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Vol. 10, pp. 293-315.

Shoval (1993). "On non-constrained, constrained and mandatory many-to-many relationship types". Journal of Database Management, Vol. 4 (1), pp. 3-14.

Babin, F. Lustman and P. Shoval (1991). "Specification and design of transaction systems: a formal approach". IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 17 (8), August, pp. 814-829.

Shoval (1991). "One-to-one dependencies in database design". IEEE Transactions on Knowledge & Data Engineering, Vol. 3, September, pp. 371-379.

Shoval (1991). "An integrated methodology for functional analysis, process design and database design”. Information Systems, Vol. 16 (1), pp. 49-64.

Shoval and S. Zohn (1991). “Binary-Relationship integration methodology”. Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Vol. 6 (3), May, pp. 225-250.

Dror, P. Shoval and A. Yelin (1991). "Multi-objective linear programming: another DSS". Decision Support Systems, Vol. 7, pp. 221-232.

Shoval, B. Arazi, E. Gudes and D. Ephraim (1990). "ERSE: an expert retrieval system for electronic databases". Expert Systems for Information Management, Vol. 3 (2), pp. 85-114.

Shoval (1990). "Functional design of a menu-tree interface within structured system development". Int'l Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 33, October, pp. 537-556.

Shoval and N. Pliskin (1990). "Structured support for advanced end-user prototyping". Education and Computing, Vol. 6 (1), July, pp. 33-41.

Shoval and O. Manor (1990). "Software engineering tools supporting ADISSA methodology for systems analysis and design. Information & Software Technology, Vol. 32 (5), pp. 357-369.

Pliskin and P. Shoval (1989). "Responsibility sharing between sophisticated users and professionals in Structured Prototyping". Information & Software Technology, Vol. 31 (8), October, pp. 438-448.

Shoval and Y. Lugasi (1989). "Computer systems selection: the graphical cost-benefit approach". Information & Management, Vol. 15, pp. 163-172.

    Also translated into Dutch and appeared in: Management en Organisatie van Automatisering­smiddelen. The Netherlands, 1990/2, pp. 72-83.

Shoval and N. Pliskin (1988). "Structured prototyping: integrating prototyping into structured system development". Information & Management, Vol. 14 (1), pp. 19-30.

Shoval (1988). "ADISSA: Architectural Design of Information Systems based on Structured Analysis". Information Systems, Vol. 13 (2), pp. 193-210.

Shoval, E. Gudes, and M. Goldstein (1988). "GISD: a graphical interactive system for database conceptual design". Information Systems, Vol. 13 (1), pp. 81-95.

Shoval and M. Even-Chaime (1987). "ADDS: a system for automatic database schema design based on the Binary Relationship model". Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE), Vol. 2, pp. 123-144.

Pliskin and P. Shoval (1987). "End-user prototyping: sophisticated users supporting system development". Data Base, Vol. 18 (4), pp. 7-17.

Shoval and Y. Lugasi (1987). "Models for computer systems evaluation and selection". Information & Management, Vol. 12 (3), March, pp. 117-129.

Shoval and M. Even-Chaime (1987). "Database schema design: an experimental comparison between Normalization and Information Analysis". Data Base, Vol. 18 (3), pp. 30-39.

Lazinger and P. Shoval (1987). “Prototyping a microcomputer-based online library catalog”. Occasional Papers series, No. 177. University of Illinois, March, pp. 3-47.

Hanani and P. Shoval (1986). "A combined methodology for systems analysis and design based on ISAC and NIAM". Information Systems, Vol. 11 (3), pp. 245-253.

Shoval (1986). "Comparison of decision support strategies in expert consultation systems". Int'l Journal of Man-Machine Studies, Vol. 24, pp. 125-139.

Shoval (1985). "Essential information structure diagrams and database schema design". Information Systems, Vol. 10 (4), pp. 417-423.

Shoval (1985). "Principles, procedures and rules in an expert system for information retrieval". Information Processing and Management, Vol. 21 (6), pp. 475-487.

D) Chapters in Books:

Abramov, O. Anson, A. Sturm, and P. Shoval (2012). "Tool support for enforcing security policies on databases". In: S. Nurcan (Ed.): IS Olympics – Information Systems in a Diverse World. LNBIP 107, Springer, pp. 126–141. (An earlier version appeared in Proc. of CAISE2011 Forum – A tool demonstrations forum, held within the 23rd CAISE Conference, London, UK, 20-24 June, 2011, pp. 41-48.)

M. Levy, L. Rokach, B. Shapira and P. Shoval (2012). "Personalized knowledge service for smart cell-phone based on usage – conceptual model and intention prediction algorithm". In: Kantola Karwowski (Eds.) Knowledge Service Engineering Handbook. CRC press at Taylor & Francis, pp. 310-323.

Shoval and J. Kabeli-Shani (2009). "Designing class methods from dataflow diagrams". In: Papadopoulos, G. et al. (Eds.) Information Systems Development – Towards a Service Provision Society. Springer, pp. 1-10. (An earlier version appeared in Proc. of ISD-08, 13th Int'l Conf. on Information Systems Development, Cyprus; Aug. 2008.)

Shoval, M. Last and A. Yampolsky (2009). "Data modeling and functional modeling – examining the preferred order of using UML class diagrams and use cases". In: Halpin et al. (Eds.): Innovations in Information Systems Modeling: Methods and Best Practices. IGI Global, Ch. 7, pp. 122-142. (An earlier version appeared in Proc. of 11th CAISE/IFIP8.1 Int'l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’06), Luxemburg, June 2006, pp. 453-464.)

Shoval and J. Kabeli (2009). "Functional and Object-Oriented Methodology for Analysis and Design". In: M. Khosrow-Pour (Editor). Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 2nd Edition, IGI Global, pp. 1592-1600.

Tenenboim, B. Shapira, P. Shoval (2008). "Ontology-based classification of news in an electronic newspaper". Book Series: Information Science and Computing; Book 2: Advanced Research in Artificial Intelligence, pp. 89-97. (Presented at the Int'l Conference on Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (INFOS), Varna, Bulgaria, June 2008.)

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2005). "Quality of analysis specifications – a comparison of FOOM and OPM methodologies. In K. Siau (Editor): Advanced Topics in Database Research, Vol. 4. Idea Group, Hershey, Chapter 13, pp. 283-296. (An earlier version appeared in Proc. of the 9th CAISE/ IFIP8.1/EUNO Int'l Workshop EMMSAD’04, Riga, Latvia, June 2004, pp. 139-150.)

Shoval and J. Kabeli (2005). "Essentials of Functional and Object-Oriented Methodology". In: M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Idea Group Reference, pp. 1108-1115.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2005). “A comparison of the FOOM and OPM methodologies for user comprehension of analysis specifications”. In: J. Krogstie, T. Halpin & K. Siau (Editors): Information Modeling Methods and Methodologies, Idea Group, Hershey, Chapter 9, pp.175-195. (An earlier version appeared in: Proc. of the 7th CAISE/ IFIP8.1 Int’l Workshop EMMSAD’02, Toronto, Canada, May 2002, pp. 23-36.)

Danoch, P. Shoval and M. Balaban (2005). “Comprehension of hierarchical ER diagrams compared to flat ER diagrams". In: J. Krogstie, T. Halpin & K. Siau (Editors): Information Modeling Methods, and Methodologies, Idea Group, Hershey, Chapter 12, pp. 241-257.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2003). "The application of FOOM methodology to IFIP conference case study". In Peckham, J. and Lloyd, S. (Editors): Practicing Software Engineering in the 21st Century, IRM Press, Hershey. Chapter VII, pp. 82-95.

Shoval, R. Danoch and M. Balaban (2003). "Hierarchical ER diagrams (HERD) –
the method and experimental evaluation". In: A. Olive, M. Yoshikawa and E. Yu (Eds.), Advanced Conceptual Modeling Techniques, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2784, Springer, pp.264-274. (An earlier version appeared in: Proc. of the 1st Int'l Workshop IWCMQ-0, Tampere, Finland. October 2002.)

Shoval and J. Kabeli (2002). “FOOM – Functional and Object-Oriented Methodology for analysis and design of information systems”. In K. Siau (Editor): Advanced Topics in Database Research, Idea Group, Hershey, pp. 58-86.

Balaban and P. Shoval (2002), “Enforcing cardinality constraints in the ER model with integrity methods”. In K. Siau (Editor): Advanced Topics in Database Research, Idea Group, Hershey, pp. 1-16.

E) Refereed Articles in Collective Volumes and Proceedings of International Conferences and Workshops:

Roy-Hubara, P. Shoval, A. Sturm (2019). "A method for database model selection. In: Reinhartz-Berger, Zdravkovic, Gulden, Schmidt. (eds.) Enterprise, Business-Process and Information Systems Modeling. BPMDS 2019, EMMSAD 2019. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, vol. 352, 261-275. Springer.

Roy-Hubara, P. Shoval and A. Sturm (2019). "A method for database model selection". Proc. Of EMMSAD'19 Conference: Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and development, Roma, 3-4 June, 2019.

Roy-Hubara1, L. Rokach1, B. Shapira1 and P. Shoval (2018). "Evaluation of a design method for graph database". Proc. of EMMSAD'18 Conference: Exploring Modeling Methods for Systems Analysis and development, Estonia, 11-12 June, 2018.

Dahan, P. Shoval and A. Sturm (2011). "An empirical comparison between two methods for defining functional requirements: Use Cases vs. OO-DFDS". Proc. of the 6th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems (MCIS), Limassol, Cyprus, 3-5 September 2011.

Abramov, O. Anson, A. Sturm and P. Shoval (2011). "Tool support for enforcing security policies on databases". Proc. of CAISE2011 Forum, CAISE'23 Conference, London, UK, 20-24 June, pp. 41-48.

Abramov, A. Sturm and P. Shoval (2011). "A pattern based approach for secure database design". Proc. of the 1st Int'l Workshop on Information Systems Security Engineering (WISSE); in conjunction with the 23rd CAISE Conference, London, UK, 20-24 June 2011. In: C. Solinesi & O. Pastor (Eds.): CaiSE 2011 Workshops, LNBIP 83, pp. 637-651.

Levy, P. Shoval, B. Shapira (2010). "Personalized knowledge service based on smart cell-phone usage: a conceptual framework". Proc. of the 16th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Lima, Peru, August 12-15, 2010.

Levy, P. Shoval, B. Shapira, D. Aviram, M. Tubi (2010). “Task modeling infrastructure for analyzing smart phone usage”. Proc. of ICMB – 9th Int'l Conf. on Mobile Business, 13-15 June 2010, Athens, Greece.

Sturm, J. Abramov, P. Shoval (2009). "Validating and implementing security patterns for database applications". Proc. of SPAQu'09, 3rd Int'l Workshop on Software Patterns and Quality. Orlando, Florida, October, pp. 40-45.

Maidel, P. Shoval, B. Shapira and M. Taieb-Maimon (2008). "Evaluation of an ontology-content-based filtering method for a personalized newspaper". Proc. of RecSys08, ACM Int'l Conference on Recommender Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland, October, pp. 91-98.

Shoval, J. Kabeli (2008). "Designing class methods from data-flow diagrams". Proc. of ISD-08, 13th International Conference on Information Systems Development, Cyprus, August 2008.

Inbar, N. Ben-Asher, T. Porat, D. Mimran, B. Shapira, P. Shoval, J. Meyer, N. Tractinsky (2008). "All the news that's fit to e-Ink". Proc. of ACM Int'l Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (CHI'08); Research Landscapes Program. Florence, Italy, April, pp. 3621-3626.

Shapira, P. Shoval, J. Meyer, N. Tractinsky, D. Mimran (2008). "ePaper – the personalized mobile newspaper". Proc. of 12th Int'l Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI '08), January 2008, Canary Islands, Spain.

Shoval, V. Maidel, B. Shapira (2007). "An ontology- content-based filtering method". Proc. of 5th Int'l Conference on Information & Research Applications (I.Tech-2007), Varna, Bulgaria, June 2007, pp. 303-3014.

Shirtz, Z. Bluvband, Y. Elovici, P. Shoval (2007). "Computer systems and Information SSR: a unified approach for decision making". Proc. of Annual Reliability & Maintainability Symposium, IEEE-RAMP'07, Orlando, FL., pp. 427-433.

Shoval, A. Yampolsky, M. Last (2006). "Class diagrams and use-cases – experimental examination of the preferred order of modeling". Proc. of the 11th CAISE/ IFIP8.1 Int'l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’06), Luxemburg, June 2006, pp. 453-464.

Glezer, M. Last, E. Nahmani, P. Shoval (2005). "Experimental comparison of sequence and collaboration diagrams in different application domains". Proc. of the Tenth CAISE/ IFIP8.1 Int'l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’05), Porto, Portugal, June 2005, pp. 463-476.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2004). "Quality of analysis specifications – a comparison of FOOM and OPM methodologies". Proc. of the Ninth CAISE/ IFIP8.1/EUNO Int'l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’04), Riga, Latvia, June 2004, pp. 139-150.

Kuflik and P. Shoval (2003). "Automatic generation of content-based user profiles compared to rule-based profiles for information filtering". Proc. of the Int'l Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), January 12-15, Miami, FL.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2003). "Software analysis process – which order of activities is preferred? an experimental comparison using FOOM methodology". Proc. of WsSTE'03 – IEEE Int’l Conference on Software – Science, Technology & Engineering, Herzliya, Israel, 4-5 November 2003.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2003). "Data modeling and functional analysis: what comes next? an experimental comparison using FOOM methodology". Proc. of the Eight CAISE/ IFIP8.1 Int’l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’03), Velden, Austria, June 2003, pp. 48-57.

Danoch, P. Shoval and M. Balaban (2002). "Hierarchical ER diagrams (HERD) –
the method and experimental evaluation". Proc. of the 1st Int'l Workshop on Conceptual Modeling Quality (IWCMQ-02). In conjunction with ER-2002, the 21st Int'l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Tampere, Finland, October 2002.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2002). “A comparison of the FOOM and OPM methodologies for user comprehension of analysis specifications”. Proc. of the Seventh CAISE/IFIP8.1 Int’l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’02), Toronto, Canada, May 2002, pp 23-36.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2002). "FOOM and OPM methodologies – experimental comparison of user comprehension". Proc. of the 5th Int'l Workshop NGITS'02, Caesarea, Israel, June 2002. Published in: A. Halevi and A. Gal (Eds.), Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2382, Springer-Verlag, pp. 107-122.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2002). "FOOM – An integrated methodology for analysis and design of information systems". Proc. of Information Resources Management Association (IRMA 2002), Seattle, Washington, USA, May.

Goren-Bar, T. Kuflik, D. Lev and P. Shoval (2001). “Automating personal categorization using artificial neural networks”, – Proc. of the 8th Int'l Conference on User Modeling – UM-2001. Sonthofen, Germany. Published in: LNAI 2109, Springer-Verlag, pp. 188–198.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2001). “Evaluation of FOOM – a functional- and object-oriented analysis & design methodology”, Proc. of the Sixth CAISE/IFIP8.1 Int’l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’01), Interlaken, Switzerland, June.

Kuflik, D. Lev and P. Shoval (2001). "Automating personal categorization using Artificial Neural Network", Proc. of UM Conf. pp. 188–198, Springer, LNAI 2109.

Danoch, P. Shoval and M. Balaban (2001). “Hierarchical evolution of Entity-Relationship diagrams – a bottom-up approach”, Proc. of the Sixth CAISE/IFIP8.1 Int’l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’01), Interlaken, Switzerland, June.

Boger, T. Kuflik, B. Shapira and P. Shoval (2000). “Information filtering and automatic keyword identification by artificial neural networks”, Proc. of ECIS 2000 – 8th European Conference on Information Systems, Vienna, Austria, July, pp. 379-385.

Kuflik and P. Shoval (2000). “Generation of user profiles for information filtering – a research agenda”, poster presentation, Proc. of SIGIR2000 Conference on Information Retrieval, Athens, Greece, July.

Shoval and J. Kabeli (2000). “Functional and object-oriented analysis & design of information systems – an integrated methodology”, Proc. of the Fifth CAISE/ IFIP8.1 Int’l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’00), Stockholm, Sweden, June.

Kuflik and P. Shoval (2000). “User profile generation for intelligent information agents – research in progress”, in: Agent-Oriented Information Systems 2000, published by iCue, Berlin; and in: Proc. of the Second CAISE Int’l Workshop Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS-2000), Stockholm, Sweden, June, pp. 63-72.

Balaban and P. Shoval (1999). “Resolving the weak status of weak entity types in Entity Relationship schemas”, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1728, Proc. of 18th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER’99), Paris, France, Nov., pp. 369-383.

Shoval, B. Shapira and U. Hanani (1999). “Strategies for filtering e-mail messages combining content-based and sociological filtering with user-stereotypes”. In: R. Pinter and S. Tsur (eds.), Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1649, Proc. of the 4th Int'l Workshop NGITS'99, Zikhron- Yaakov, Israel, July, pp.40-49.

Balaban and P. Shoval (1998). “Enhancing the ER model with structure methods”, Proc. of the Third CAISE/IFIP8.1 Int’l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD’98), Pisa, Italy, May.

Shoval (1996). “A tool for mapping Binary-Relationship diagrams to Object-Oriented database schemas”. Proc. of the Workshop on CASE Tools for Database Design; in conjunction with ER’96 – the 15th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Cottbus, Germany, October.

Shoval and F. Sadan (1996). “Functional analysis and object-oriented design – a hybrid methodology”. Proc. of AIS’96, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Phoenix, Arizona, August.

Shoval, P. Ein-Dor, R. Giladi and I. Spiegler (1996). “A Meta knowledge base and a search mechanism for distributed, heterogeneous databases”. Proc. of AIS’96, Americas Conference on Information Systems, Phoenix, Arizona, August.

Shoval and O. Feldman (1996). “Combining function points estimation model with ADISSA methodology for systems analysis and design”. Proc. of the 7th Israel Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering. Herzliya, June. Published by IEEE Computer Society Press, IEEE Serv­ice Center, Piscataway, NJ.

Shoval (1996). “Experimental comparisons of Entity-Relationship and Object-Oriented data models”. Proc. of the CAISE Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (EMMSAD'96), Crete, Greece, May.

Shoval and Y. Kornatzki (1995). “BR2OO: a tool for automatic mapping of Binary-Relationship diagrams to Object-Oriented database schema”. Proc. of ISCIS X, 10th Int’l Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, October, Ephesus, Turkey.

Shapira, A. Raveh, P. Shoval and U. Hanani (1995). "Hypertext browsing: a new model based on hypergraph dynamic construction and data analysis methods". Proc. of NGITS '95, International Work­shop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, June, Nahariya, Israel.

Shoval and S. Shiran (1995). "An experimental comparison of Entity-Relationship and Object Oriented models on quality of design". Proc. of NGITS '95, Int'l Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, June, Nahariya, Israel.

Giladi and P. Shoval (1993). "Routing queries in a network of databases driven by a meta knowledge-base", Proc. of NGITS '93, Int'l Workshop on Next Generation of Information Technologies and Systems, June, Haifa, Israel, pp. 123-129.

Shoval and A. Kopp (1992). "Automatic vs. manual interface design methods: a comparison”, Proc. of WITS'92, Workshop on Information Technologies & Systems, Dallas, Texas, December, pp. 143-149.

Shoval and N. Shreiber (1992). "Transformation of a relational to a binary-relationship schema", in :E. Gelenbe, U. Halici and N. Yalabik (Eds.), Proc. of Int’l. Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences VII. Published by EHEI Press, Paris, November, pp. 363-368.

Shoval (1991). "A method and tool for handling 1:1 relationship types in database design", in: M. Bary and B. Ozguc (eds.), Proc. of Int’l. Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences VI. Published by Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 135-143.

Shoval (1991). "View integration methodology and tool utilizing the binary-relationship model", in: M. Bary and B. Ozguc (eds.), Proc. of Int’l. Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences VI. Published by Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp. 199-202.

Shoval (1990). "A methodology for integration of Binary-Relationship conceptual schemas”, Proc. of Parbase-90, International Conference on Databases, Parallel Architectures & their Applications, Miami Beach, Florida, March, IEEE Service Center, Piscat­away, NJ, pp. 435-437.

Shoval and N. Pliskin (1989). "Structured support for advanced end-user prototyping", in: Methodologies of Training Data Processing Professionals and Advanced End-Users, Proc. of IFIP WG 3.4 Conference, Helsinki, Finland, July.

Shoval (1989). "ADISSA tools", Proc. of the 4th Israel Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering, Herzliya, June. Published by IEEE Computer Society Press, IEEE Serv­ice Center, Piscataway, NJ, pp. 153-157.

Shoval (1983). "Knowledge representation in consultation systems for users of retrieval systems", in: C. Keren and L. Perlmuter (eds.), Proc. of Int’l Symposium on the Application of Mini and Micro Computers in Information, Documentation and Libraries, Tel-Aviv. Published by North Holland, Amsterdam, pp. 631-643.

Shoval (1981). "Expert/consultation system for a retrieval database with a semantic network of concepts", Proc. of 4th Int’l Conference on Information Storage & Retrieval, Oakland, CA. Published in ACM SIGIR Forum, Vol. XVI (1), pp. 145-149.

E) Short Papers and Poster Presentations at Int'l Conferences:

Shoval (2005). "FOOM – Functional and Object Oriented Methodology – an integrated approach". Abstract of Tutorial. In: J. Akoka et al. (Eds.). Perspectives in Conceptual Modeling, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3770. (Proc. of the 24th Conference on Conceptual Modeling – ER 2005), pp. 459-460.

Shoval and A. Silberschatz (1998). Editorial: “Next Generation Technologies and Systems”, Data & Knowledge Engineering, Vol. 28, pp. 253-254.

Har-Noy, M. Gluz, P. Shoval, U. Onken and J. Merchuk (1997). “The Air Lift system database: a bank of data for airlift performance”, short paper, Proc. of the 4th Japanese/German Symposium Bubble Columns, Kyoto, Japan, December.

Shoval (1990). "Sub-system design", short paper, Proc. of CompEuro '90, IEEE International Conference Computer Systems & Software Engineering, Tel-Aviv, May, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA., pp. 546-547.

Shoval (1989). "A method for functional design of menu-tree interface integrated within structured system development", poster presentation, HCI-89, International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Boston, MA. September.

Vries, P. Shoval, J. Moosy, S. McCledon, and G. Banks (1986). "An intelligent information retrieval system for laser disk medical information", abstract, Medinfo-86, Fifth World Congress on Medical Informatics, Washington DC, October.


F) Papers in Journals and Proceedings of Israeli Conferences (in Hebrew):

Roy-Hubara, P. Shoval, L. Rokach, B. Shapira (2018). "Design of a graph database schema". Proc. of the 12th ILAIS Conference, Shamoon College of Engineering, Ashdod, June.

Shoval (2013). "Ranking suppliers of multi-alternative proposals of IT projects – the Graphical Cost-Benefit method". Proc. of the 7th ILAIS Conference, Ruppin Academic Center, July.

Inbar, N. Traktinsky, J. Mayer, P. Shoval and B. Shapira. (2008). "Considerations in the design of a human-computer interface for a mobile news delivery service. Proc. of the 15th Conference on Industrial Engineering Management, Tel-Aviv, March.

Kabeli and P. Shoval (2004). "FOOM methodology for analysis & design of information systems – combining the functional and object-oriented approaches". Abstract. Proc. of the Annual National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Tel Aviv, March.

Giladi and P. Shoval (1995). "An intelligent system for routing user requests in a network of autonomous databases", Proc. of the 29th National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, January.

Shoval (1994). "Automatic design of OODB schema using a semantic data model", Proc. of the Computing Week, IEEE Computer Society, Bar-Ilan University, Israel, November.

Shoval and A. Kopp (1992). "A comparative experiment between automatic and manual methods for menu-tree design", Proc. of the sixth Annual Conference on Management Information Systems, Tel-Aviv University, May, pp. 7-23.

Shreiber and P. Shoval (1991). "Mapping a relational database schema into a binary-relationship conceptual schema", Proc. of the 26th National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, October, pp. 305-322.

Shoval and A. Kopp (1991). "CASE tools for developing structured prototypes", Proc. of the fifth Annual Conference on Management Information Systems, Tel-Aviv University, April, pp. 89-105.

     Appeared also in: Machshevim (Computers), Vol. 116, August 1991, pp. 20-26.

Shoval and N. Pliskin (1990). "Division of labor between professionals and advanced end-users in system development", Proc. of the fourth Annual Conference on Management Infor­mation Systems, Tel-Aviv University, May, pp. 18-28.

     Appeared also in: Machshevim (Computers), Vol. 107, November 1990, 44-48.

Shoval (1989). "Sub-systems design with ADISSA methodology", Proc. of the 24th Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, November, pp. 13-17.

Shoval (1989). "An expert system for medical information retrieval", Yad Lakore (The Reader's Aid), Israel Journal for Libraries and Archives, Vol. 23 (3-4), Feb., pp. 70-78.

Shoval and N. Pliskin (1989). "Structure prototyping by sophisticated users", Proc. of the 20th Annual Conference of the Israel Association of Information Systems Analysts, June. Published in Maydaon, Vol. 11, pp. 53-58.

Shoval and Y. Lugasi (1989). "The graphical cost-benefit method for system selection", Proc. of the third Annual Conference on Management Information Systems, Tel-Aviv University, May, pp. 77-94.

Kupelik, E. Gudes, A. Mizeles and P. Shoval (1988). "A general expert system for allocation", Proc. of the 5th Israel Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Vision and Pattern Recognition, Tel-Aviv, December, pp. 293-299.

Shoval (1988). "One-to-One dependencies in database design", Proc. of the 23rd National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Tel-Aviv, October, pp. 25-37.

Shoval (1988). "Graphical aspects of ADDS: a system for automatic database design", Proc. of the 19th Annual Conference of the Israel Association of Information Systems Analysts, June. Published in: Maydaon, Vol. 10 (51-52), 1988, pp. 182-191.

Shoval and O. Manor (1988). "Functional menus design within ADISSA methodology for systems analysis and design", Proc. of the Second Annual Conference on Management Information Systems, Tel-Aviv Univ., May. Published in: Machshevim (Computers), Vol. 85, August 1988, pp. 35-38.

Shoval and Y. Lugasi (1988). "Evaluation and selection of computer systems", Proc. of the 5th Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, Beer Sheva, May.

Shoval, O. Manor, O. Zinger and Y. Kotzer (1988). "Functional design of menus in information systems development", Proc. of the 5th Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management, Beer Sheva, May.

Shoval (1986). "An expert system for medical information retrieval", Proc. of the 21st National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, pp. 183-191.

     Appeared also in: Machshevim (Computers), Vol. 6 (2), February 1987, pp. 8-12.

Hanani and P. Shoval (1986). "A contribution to the construction of a methodology for the entire information system life cycle", Proc. of the 4th Conference on Industrial Engineering Management, Tel-Aviv, March, pp. 14-29.

Hanani and P. Shoval (1985). "A combined methodology for systems analysis and database design based on ISAC and NIAM", Proc. of the 20th National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, pp. 227-251.

    Appeared also in: Ma'ase Hoshev, The Journal of IPAI, Vol. 13 (3), June 1986, pp. 17-27.

Even-Chaime and P. Shoval (1985). "A system for logical design of data bases", Proc. of the 20th National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, pp. 5-21.

Shoval (1984). "Search and evaluation rules in expert systems for information retrieval", Proc. of the 19th National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, 63-78.

   Appeared also in: Ma'ase Hoshev, The Journal of IPAI, Vol. 12 (1), Feb. 1985, pp. 31-37.

Shoval (1983). "Experiments with decision support systems: the case of an expert system database users", Proc. of the 18th National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, pp. 105-119.

Shoval (1983). "Essential information structure diagrams and the creation of a skeleton for Relational and Network schemata", Proc. of the 18th National Conference on Data Process­ing, IPAI, Jerusalem, pp. 59-72.

Shoval (1982). "Information analysis and database conceptual design", Proc. of the 17th Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, pp. 41-61.

           Awarded prize for outstanding paper.

Borovitz, Z. Neumann and P. Shoval (1978). "Assessing users' satisfaction with information systems". The Israeli Review of Business Economics, Vol. 3 (9-10), 5-18.

Ahituv and P. Shoval (1975). "Computer tenders and contracts", Proc. of the 10th National Conference on Data Processing, IPAI, Jerusalem, pp. 49-90.

            Awarded prize for outstanding paper.

Professional Activities:

A) Positions in Academic Administration at BGU:

2008 -2011 Head, Dept. of Information Systems Engineering, and chair of the Doctoral Students Committee.

2000-2005  Head, Dept. of Information Systems Engineering (two terms). Created the department and developed the programs of study.

1996-2000  Head, Information Systems Program, and Vice Head of the Dept. of Industrial Eng. & Management.

1993-1994  Head, Computing Committee, Dept. of Industrial Eng. & Management.

1992           Acting Head, Dept. of Industrial Eng. & Management.

1989-1994  Head, Information Systems Program, Dept. of Industrial Eng. & Management.

1988-1996  Consultant on computing and information systems to the Director General of Ben-Gurion University.

1988-1991  Member, University Committee on Computing Policy.

1988-1989  Head, Teaching Committee, Dept. of Industrial Engineering & Management.

1987           Head, Computing Committee, Dept. of Industrial Engineering & Management.

1985-1986  Head, Information Systems Program, Dept. of Industrial Eng. & Management. Initiated the Program and developed the curriculum.


B) Academic and Professional Positions:

2010-Now   Member of the Steering Committee of ER – Conceptual Modeling

2013-2020  Member of Editorial Board of Data & Knowledge Engineering (DKE) journal

2000-2020  Member of Editorial Review Board of Journal of Database Management, IGI Group.

2017           Israel Council for Higher Education's (MALA"G) – Member of Committee to increase the number of students in High-Tech studies

2012-2015  Member of Editorial Board of Serdica Journal of Computing

2013           Israel Council for Higher Education's (MALA"G) – Member of the Int'l Committee for the Evaluation of Software Engineering and Information Systems Engineering Programs in the Israeli universities and academic colleges.

2010-2011  Israel Council of High Education (MALA"G) – Chairman of the Committee for the Classification of Information Systems Programs at the Israeli universities and academic colleges.

2003-2013  Israel Council of High Education (MALA"G) – Member of the professional committee on accreditation of Information Systems Engineering programs/ departments at the Israeli colleges.

2002-2005  Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Association of Information Systems.

1994-1996  Ministry of Education, Division of Science & Technology. Member of professional committee for the development of curriculum on information technology.

1993-1998  Member of Editorial Board of Journal of Document & Text Management, Taylor Graham.

1994-1995  Ministry of Education, Council of High Education and the Center for Technological Education, Tel-Aviv. Member of the professional committee on designing courses on information systems at the high schools.

1993-1994  Israel Council of High Education (MALA"G). Member of professional committee on the evaluation of the Computer Science and Management Program at the Open University, Tel-Aviv.

1992           The College of High Education in Technology, Tel-Aviv. Member of committee on designing the Program for Qualified Teachers of Computing.

1988-1994  Representative of IPAI to TC-2 (Programming & Software Technology) of IFIP (International Federation for Information Processing).

1988-1990  IPAI, Chairman of the Working Group on Databases.

C) Membership in Professional/Scientific Societies:

  • AIS (Association for Information Systems) – Charter member.
  • ACM, Association of Computing Machinery – Distinguished Member.
  • IEEE Computer Society.
  • IFIP, International Federation for Information Processing, TC8.
  • IPAI, Information Processing Association of Israel.
  • ILAIS, Israel chapter of the AIS
  • Courses Taught (at Undergraduate and Graduate levels):

Database Management Systems

Analysis and Design of Information Systems

Information Systems Development Methodologies

File Organization and Processing

Managerial and Economic Aspects of Computing

Introduction to Computers and Data Processing

Information Systems Development and Implementation

Management Information Systems

  • Awards, Citations and Honors:

2009   Selected by the ACM as Distinguished Scientist. This advance member grade recognizes professional members who have achieved a significant accomplishment in, or made a significant impact on, the computing field as researchers.

1995   Invited Member of the Public Council of the Chamber of Systems Analysts of Israel.

1995   The course Systems Analysis & Design, designed and taught by Shoval since creation of the Information Systems Program at BGU, was ranked number 1 (top) in importance among all courses of the Department; based on a survey of the graduates of the 1992 class.

1994   Invited to become Charter Member of AIS, the Association for Information Systems.

1991   Diploma of Honors for Contribution to the Advancement of Computing in Israel, awarded by IPAI, Information Processing Association of Israel..

1988-1990   Elected Member of the Council of IPAI – 2nd term.

1987   Best Teacher award; Dept. of Industrial Eng. & Manage.t, BGU – students’ survey.

  • Elected Member of the Council of IPAI -1st

1980   University of Pittsburgh, Nominated delegate to the Doctoral Consortium of the 1st Int’l Conference on Information Systems (ICIS-1), Philadelphia, December 1980.

1978-1981   University of Pittsburgh; Graduate Student Assistantship (stipend and tuition).

1978   Henry Leon Weiller Fellowship for Doctoral Studies; awarded by the President of the State of Israel.

  • Lectures and Presentations at Meetings and Invited Seminars:
  1. A) Presentations of Seminars at Universities:

Sep. 2018   Bulgaria, Burgas: Invited talk on "Modeling Graph Databases" at the 8th Int'l DiPP2018 Conference.

Jan. 2013    Spain, Barcelona, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya. Title: "Functional Modeling and Conceptual Data Modeling – Which is the Preferred Order of Activities?"

July 2011   Bulgaria Academy of Science, Dept. of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia. Title: "An Empirical Comparison between Two Methods for Defining Functional Requirements: Use Cases vs. OO-DFDs".

Dec. 2006  University of Haifa, Dept. of Management Information Systems, Haifa. Title: "Experiments on the preferred order of analysis activities – research results".

Oct. 2006  Bulgarian Academy of Science, Dept. of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia, Bulgaria. Title: "Data modeling or functional modeling – which comes first? – experimental comparisons".

Jan. 2006  Tel Aviv University, Dept. of Industrial Engineering. Title: "Data modeling or functional modeling – which comes first? – experimental comparisons".

Oct. 2005  Klangfurt University, Austria. Title: "FOOM – Functional and Object Oriented Methodology – An Integrated Approach". Tutorial presented at: Conceptual Modeling – ER 2005 Conference.

Feb. 2005  University of Auckland, Dept. of Information Systems, Auckland, New-Zealand. Title: "Examining the preferred order of analysis activities – research results".

Sep. 2004  ITC – IRST (Institute of Research in Science & Technology), Trento, Italy. Title: “FOOM methodology and its evaluation”.

Sep. 2001  Technical University of Valencia, Spain; Dept. of Information Systems. Title: “FOOM – functional and object-oriented analysis and design methodology”.

May 1997   Vienna University of Business & Economics, Austria; Dept. of Information Systems. Title: “Object-Oriented vs. Entity-Relationship data modeling: experimental comparisons”.

Jan.  1997   Technion, Haifa; Dept. of Industrial Eng. & Management. Title: “Experimental comparisons of Entity-Relationship and Object-Oriented data models".

May 1996   Ben-Gurion University; Dept. of Mathematics & Computer Science. Title: “Entity-Relationship and Object-Oriented data modeling”.

Mar. 1993  Free University, Amsterdam, Netherland; Dept. of Computer Science. Title: "Reverse database engineering: from relational to the binary relationship model".

Dec. 1991  Technion, Haifa; Dept. of Industrial Engineering & Management. Title: "View integration methodology based on the binary-relationship model".

Aug. 1988  University of Montreal, Canada; Dept. of computer Science. Title: "Binary-Relationship based tools for conceptual and logical database design".

Aug. 1988  University of Montreal, Canada; School of Business (2 seminars):

  1. a) "Graphical cost/benefit analysis of alternative computer-based systems",
  2. b) "Functional of a menu-tree interface".

Dec. 1987   University of Pittsburgh, PA; Graduate School of Business Admin. Title: "Conceptual and logical database design".

May  1987  University of Ulm, Germany. Title: "Methods for systems analysis and database design: survey of my current research.

Mar. 1987  Tel-Aviv University; School of Management. Title: "ADDS: Automatic database design system".

Sep. 1986   University of Montreal, Canada; Dept. of Computer Science. Title: "ADISSA: architec­tural design of information systems based on structured analysis".

Feb. 1986   Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA; Dept. of Computer Science. Title: "Expert systems for information retrieval".

  1. B) Invited Plenary Lectures at Professional Meetings:

     (In addition to presentation of papers at conferences, and seminars at universities)

July 2012  ILAIS'12 – 6th Conference of the Israel Chapter of AIS. University of Haifa. Title: "Report of the CHE Committee on Programs of Study in Information Systems in the Israeli Academy".

Aug. 2007 AMCIS – American Conference on Information Systems. Keystone, Colorado. Tutorial title: "Functional and object-oriented methodology for analysis and design of information systems".

July 2006   INCOSE-IL – International Council on Systems Engineering; Israel Chapter. Herzlia. Seminar Title: "FOOM methodology for analysis and design of information systems".

Jan.  2003  The Israel Chamber of Information Systems Analysts; South Chapter. Lecture Title: "FOOM methodology for analysis and design of information systems".

May. 1999 “Info’99 – Information Week in Israel”, the 14th annual conference, Tel-Aviv. Title: "A model for filtering e-mail messages that combines content-based and sociological filtering – experimental results".

Feb. 1990  "Information Week in Israel”, the 5th annual conference, Tel-Aviv. Title: "Information systems development: the prototyping approach".

Sep. 1989  IBM Users’ Association in Israel, Annual workshop on management of computer centers, Galil (2 lectures):

  1. a) "Methods for evaluation and selection of computer systems",
  2. b) "Prototyping approaches in information systems development".

Feb. 1989  "Information Week in Israel", 4th annual conf., Tel-Aviv. Title: "Expert systems approach to information retrieval: applications in medicine and electronics".

Oct. 1987  Air-Force Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem, Software Design Seminar. Title: “Graphical based tools for database conceptual and logical design".

Jun. 1987  30th anniversary, School of Library and Information Sciences, Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Title: "Expert systems for information retrieval".

Nov. 1986 Air-Force Institute for Advanced Studies, Jerusalem, Software Design Seminar. Title: “Methodologies for systems analysis and design".

  1. C) Professional Seminars/Tutorials:

(The list below includes whole-day seminars and tutorials given by Shoval, in which he presented his research work to professionals from industry and academia)

July  1992  Evaluation of Information Systems; The roles of users and management in systems development and operation.

Mar. 1989  ADISSA: Architectural design of information systems; methodology and tools.

Oct. 1988  Systems analysis and database design: 4-day lectures and workshop.

June 1988  Conceptual and logical database design using ADDS.

Mar. 1988  ADISSA: Architectural design of information systems.

Feb. 1988  ADISSA: Architectural design of information systems.

Apr. 1987  Logical database design based on Information Analysis method.

June 1986  Methodology for architectural design of information systems.

Nov. 1985  Logical database design based on Information Analysis method.

June 1984  From information needs to database design; the Information Analysis method.

Feb. 1983  Information Analysis methodology for database design.

Oct. 1982  Information Analysis methodology for database design.

  1. E) Professional Functions at Conferences:

Nov. 2019 ER’20 – 39th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Vienna, Austria. Senior Member of the Program Committee.

June 2020  CAiSE'20 – The 32th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Grenoble, France. Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 2019 ER’19 – 38th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Salvador, Brazil. Senior Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 2018 ER’18 – 37th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Xiana, China. Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 2017 ER’17 – 36th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Valencia, Spain. Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 2016 ER’16 – 35th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Gifu, Japan. Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 2015 ER’15 – 34th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Stockholm, Sweden. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2014  SwSTE-2014 – International Conference on Software Science, Technology, and Engineering, Herzlia, Israel. Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 2013 ER’13 – 32nd Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Hong Kong. Member of the Program Committee.

Sep. 2013  DiPP2013 – 3rd Int'l Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage. Velico Tarnovo, Bulgaria. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2013 EMMSAD'13 – 18th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. Valencia, Spain. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2012 IEEE International Conference on Software – Science, Technology & Engineering. Herzliya, Israel. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2012 EMMSAD'12 – 17th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. Gdansk, Poland. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2011 EMMSAD'11 – 16th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. London, UK. Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 2010 ER’10 – 29th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Vancouver, Canada. Co-Chairman of the Program Committee.

Nov. 2009 ER’09 – 28th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Brazil. Member of the Program Committee.

Sep. 2009 ISD2009 -18th Int'l Conference on Information Systems Development, Nanchang, China. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2009 EMMSAD'09 -14th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Member of the Program Committee.

Dec. 2008 ICIS’08 – 29th International Conference on Information Systems, Paris, France, Associate Editor of the Program Committee.

Aug. 2008 ISD2008 – International Conference on Information Systems Development, Paphos, Cyprus. Member of the Program Committee.

Dec. 2007 ICIS’07 – 28th International Conference on Information Systems, Montreal, Canada, Associate Editor of the Program Committee.

June 2007 EMMSAD'05 – 11th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. Tronenheim, Norway. Member of the Program Committee.

Oct. 2006  ER’06 – 25th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Tucson, USA. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2006  NGITS '06 – 6th Int'l Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems. Member of Steering Committee.

Nov. 2005  ORM'05 – Int'l Workshop on Object-Role Modeling, November 3-4, 2005. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2005 EMMSAD'05 – 10th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. Porto, Portugal. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2005  CAiSE'05 – The 17th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. Porto, Portugal. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2004  EMMSAD'04 – 9th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design (). Riga, Latvia. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2003  EMMSAD'03 – 8th CAiSE/IFIP8.1 International Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. Velden, Austria. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2002 NGITS '02 – 5th International Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems. Member of Program Committee.

Dec. 2001 WITS’01 – Int’l Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, New Orleans, USA, Int’l Liaison for the Middle East.

Nov. 2001 ER’01 – 21st Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Japan. Member of the Program Committee.

June 2001  EMMSAD’01 – IFIP8.1, Int’l. Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design, Interlaken, Switzerland, Member of Program Committee.

June 2001  ECIS 2001 – 9th European Conference on Information Systems, Bled, Slovenia. Member of the Program Committee.

Sep. 2000  Coopis’2000 – 5th IFCIS Int’l Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, Eilat, Israel, Member of Program Committee.

July 2000  ECIS'2000 – 8th European Conference on Information Systems, Vienna, Austria. Chair of Track: Information Systems Development – Methodologies and Tools.

June 2000  EMMSAD’00 – 5th CAISE/IFIP8.1 Int’l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. In conjunction with CAISE’2000, Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Stockholm, Sweden, Member of Program Committee.

Dec. 1999  ICIS’99 – 20th International Conference on Information Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 1999 REIS’99 – 1st Int’l Workshop on Reverse-Engineering in Information Systems. In conjunction with ER'99 – 18th Conference on Conceptual Modeling. Paris, France. Member of the Program Committee.

July 1999  NGITS '99 – 4th Int'l Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Zikhron Yaakov, member of Steering Committee.

Dec. 1998  WITS’98 – Int’l Workshop on Information Technologies and Systems, Helsinki, Finland, Member of Program Committee.

Nov. 1998  ER’98 – 17th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Singapore, Member of the Program Committee.

Aug. 1998  CoopIS’98 – Int’l Conference on Cooperative Information Systems, New-York, USA, Member of Program Committee.

July 1998  IADT’98, Int’l Workshop on Issues and Applications of Database Technologies, Berlin, Germany, Member of Program Committee.

June 1998  EEMSAD – Int’l Workshop on Evaluation of Modeling Methods in Systems Analysis and Design. In conjunction with CAISE’98 – Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, Pisa, Italy. Member of Program Committee, and Chairman of session.

June 1997  NGITS '97 – 3rd Int'l Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Neve Ilan (near Jerusalem). Chairman of the Program Committee (co-chair with Avi Silberschatz).

Dec. 1996  ICIS’96 – 17th International Conference on Information Systems, Cleveland, USA, Member of the Program Committee, and Chairman of a session.

Oct. 1996  ER’96 – 15th Int’l Conference on Conceptual Modeling, Cottbus, Germany, Member of the Program Committee, and Chairman of a session.

June 1995  NGITS '95 – 2nd Int'l Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Systems, Nahariya, Member of Program Comm. and Chairman of a session.

Dec. 1994  ER’94 – 13th Int'l Conference on Entity-Relationship, Manchester, England, Chairman of  a session.

July 1994  ORM-1 – Int'l Conference on Object-Role Modeling, Townsville, Australia, Member the Program Committee.

Dec. 1993  ER’93 – 12th Int'l Conference on Entity-Relationship, Arlington, Texas, Member of the Program Committee.

June 1993  NGITS '93 – 1st Int'l Workshop on Next Generation Information Technologies and Sys­tems, Technion, Haifa, Member of the Organization Committee and the Pro­gram Committee.

Oct. 1991  IPAI – 26th Conference of the Israel Society for Information Processing. Jerusalem, Chairman of the Program Committee, and Editor of the Proceedings.

Oct. 1990  IPAI – 25th Conference of the Israel Society for Information Processing. Jerusalem. Jerusalem, Chairman of a session.

Oct. 1990  ER’90 – 9th Int'l Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach, Luzzanne, Switzerland, Member of the Program Committee.

May 1990  CompEuro-90 – IEEE Int'l Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineer­ing, Tel-Aviv, Member of the Program Committee.

Mar. 1990 PARBASE-90 – Int'l Conference on Databases, Parallel Architectures and Applica­tions, Miami, Florida, Member of the Program Committee.

Nov. 1989 IPAI – 24th Conference of the Israel Society for Information Processing. Jerusalem, Member of the Program Committee.

June 1989  CSSE – 4th Israel Conference on Computer Systems and Software Engineering, IEEE Comput­er Society, Herzliya, Member of the Program Committee.

Oct. 1988  IPAI – 23rd Conference of the Israel Society for Information Processing. Jerusalem, Member of the Program Committee.

May 1988  5th Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management, Beer-Sheva, Chairman of a session.

Oct. 1986  IPAI – 21st Conference of the Israel Society for Information Processing. Jerusalem, Member of Program Committee.

Mar. 1986  4th Conference on Industrial Engineering & Management., Tel-Aviv, Chairman of session.

Oct. 1985  IPAI – 20th Conference of the Israel Society for Information Processing. Jerusalem, Member of the Program Committee.

Mar. 1985 "Computers in Industry" Workshop, Beer-Sheva, Chairman of a session.

Oct. 1984  IPAI – 19th Conference of the Israel Society for Information Processing. Jerusalem, Chairman of a session.

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בתי ספר

קרנות הוקרה וסיוע – חרבות ברזל


המכללה האקדמית נתניה גאה בסטודנטיות ובסטודנטים המשרתים במילואים, המתנדבים בפעילויות השונות, העוסקים בפעולות הבטחון וההגנה השונות. בתקופה מאתגרת וכואבת זו, אנו עושים כל מה שביכולתנו על-מנת לאפשר לכם להתנהל בשגרת החרום.

בנוסף למפורט במתווה ההתאמות וההקלות לכלל הסטודנטים ולמשרתים במילואים ובכוחות הבטחון, מציעה המכללה אפיקי סיוע נוספים לסטודנטים:

מענק בסך 1,000 ש"ח לסטודנטיות ולסטודנטים שגויסו בצו 8 למילואים. המענק הועבר למשרתים אשר עדכנו אותנו. במידה וטרם עשית זאת – נודה לעדכון כאן.

קרן חירום ע"ש רחל עזריה ז"ל – הקרן מעניקה מלגות לסטודנטים משרתים במילואים שנקלעו לקשיים כלכליים וכן למי שהם או בני משפחתם נפגעו באופן ישיר מהלחימה. לצורך הגשת בקשה יש לפנות למדור מלגות במכללה [email protected]


שירות לסיוע נפשי–  כדי להקל על הקושי הרב הנובע מהאירועים הטרגיים שאנחנו עוברים, המכללה תממן 2 פגישות עם פסיכולוג.ית לכל סטודנט.ית הזקוק.ה לכך וכן תסבסד עוד 4 פגישות בהמשך בהתאם לצורך.

השירות ניתן על ידי מכון טריאס-שריג בעל נסיון רב בעבודה במוסדות אקדמיים.  פניות ניתן להתקשר למכון בימים אי-הי, בין השעות 8:00-17:00 בטלפון 03-6483102 או גם לכתוב מייל אל [email protected]

במקרים דחופים, ניתן להתקשר גם עד שעות הערב לטלפון 054-5317899. למידע נוסף לפנות למדור מלגות: [email protected] ;

מוקדי סיוע נפשי חיצוניים, דרכם ניתן לקבל תמיכה

*      הקו החם של עמותת ער"ן (עזרה ראשונה נפשית) בטלפון: 1201, שלוחה 6

*     סה"ר – סיוע והקשבה ברשת – ניתן לפנות אליהם בצ'אט דרך האתר שלהם

*      קו הסיוע והתמיכה של עמותת נט"ל (נפגעי טראומה 1-800-363-363


אנו מייחלים כי חג החנוכה יביא עמו אור גדול ובשורות טובות

הודעות לסטודנטים

בהתאם להוראות פיקוד העורף:

בהישמע אזעקה במכללה עליכם להגיע תוך דקה וחצי למרחבים המגונים או לגרמי המדרגות הקרובים ביותר, יש להתרחק מחלונות, תמונות ופתחים

ולהישאר במשך כעשר דקות לפחות במרחב המוגן.


להלן רשימת המקומות המגונים:


בניין 1:

קומת כניסה – חדר מורים ליד המעלית.

קומה 1 – ממ"ד סיפריה.

קומה 2 – אולפני טלוויזיה ליד המעלית.


 בניין 2:

גרמי המדרגות – הנמצאים בכל הקומות 0,1,2 {לרדת חצי קומה רחוק מהדלתות}

ממ"ד קומה 1- הרדיו 106 {קומת משרדים 1 -}


לשאלות נוספות ניתן לפנות למנהל הבטחון –   054-6929244

הודעות לסגל

תאריך:  18.10.2023 – דיור למפונים במעונות המכללה האקדמית נתניה

שלום רב,

חברת איסתא נכסים, המפעילה את מעונות הסטודנטים במכללה האקדמית נתניה החלה לשכן בשבוע שעבר, תושבים מאזור הדרום והצפון בחלק מחדרי המעונות.

מדובר על דירות סטודיו לזוגות על בסיס מקום פנוי.

כרגע הוקצו למעלה מ-20 דירות פנויות לטובת הפרויקט.

הדירות מאובזרות באופן מלא הכולל מקלחת ושירותים, מיזוג, טלוויזיה עם חיבור למחשב, מטבח ובו מיקרוגל, קומקום וכיריים חשמליים.

המגורים במעונות הינם בחינם לגמרי

יצוין לחיוב שיתוף הפעולה:

* הקהילה המקומית בקרית השרון אשר תרמה ציוד, מזון יבש חטיפים שמיכות כריות, טואלטיקה וכיו"ב.

* מאפיית לחם האופים שמסייעת גם אך לא רק בארוחות בוקר לדיירים אלה.

* הקולג'ים גם נתן לנו אפשרות להכניס את הדיירים בשעות מסוימות לבריכה ולמכון הכושר.

המעוניין להפנות משפחות מקו העימות למגורים במעונות או לסייע בתרומה של ציוד, מזון או כל דבר אחר, יפנה לשמואל לסרי מנהל מתחם המעונות בנייד 054-3261268 (אם אין מענה נא לשלוח וואטסאפ).

בע"ה יגיעו ימים טובים יותר וביחד ננצח.

שמואל לסרי
מנהל מתחם המעונות

תאריך:  12.10.2023

לידיעתכם : בשל המצב הבטחוני, כל הבחינות מוקפאות. נעדכן בהמשך לגבי המועדים החדשים. מאחלים לכולם ימים רגועים.

תאריך:  12.10.2023

בשלב זה לא מתקיימים לימודים ובחינות בקמפוס המכללה