פרופ' אהרון צינר

שם:פרופ' אהרון צינר
מחלקה:ביה"ס למדעי ההתנהגות
דוא"ל:[email protected]


1969-1973 Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel Psychology Mathematics  B.A 1974
1972-1973 Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel Pedagogy of Mathematics Teaching License 1974
1973-1975 Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel Social and Industrial Psychology M.A 1976
1977-1981 Tel-Aviv University Ramat-Aviv, Israel Labor Studies Ph. D 1982


          ·         Title of Master’s Thesis: The effects of congruence between individual’s  vocational needs
             and job rewards upon job satisfaction and absenteeism.
                Supervisors:  Professor Dov Elizur and Dr. Benjamin Padeh.
                  ·         Title of Doctoral Dissertation: Models for creating military crews.
                                Supervisor:  Professor Dov Eden.
·         Tziner, A. (1987) The Facet Analytic Approach to Research and Data Processing. New York: Verlag-Peter Lang. 
·         Tziner, A. (1990) Organization Staffing and Work Adjustment. New York: Praeger.
·         Tziner, A., Jeanrie, C., & Cusson, S. (1993) Sélection du personnel: Concepts et applications. Laval, Canada: Edition Agence d’Arc.
·         Tziner, A. et collaborateurs. (1996) L’evaluation des emplois et du rendement. Montréal: Editions Nouvelles.
·         Tziner, A (2002) Human Resource Management and Organization Behavior: Selected Perspectives Aldershot, Hampshire; Ashgate
1.       Elizur, D. & Tziner, A. (1977). Vocational needs, job rewards, and satisfaction: A canonical analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 10, 205- 211.
2.       Tziner, A. & Cheatham, T. (1977). Attitude measurement through use of computer constructed questionnaires. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 37, 241-243.
3.       Tziner, A. & Dolan, S. (1982). Validity of an assessment center for identifying future female officers in the military. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 728-736.
4.       Tziner, A. & Vardi, Y. (1982). Effects of command style and group cohesiveness on the performance effectiveness of self-selected tank crews. Journal of Applied Psychology, 67, 769-775. 
5.       Tziner, A. & Dolan, S. (1982). Evaluation of a traditional selection system in predicting success of female in officer training. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 55, 269-275. 
6.       Tziner, A. (1982). Group cohesiveness: A dynamic perspective. Social Behavior and Personality, 10, 205-211.
7.       Tziner, A. (1982). Differential effects of group cohesiveness types: A clarifying overview. Social Behavior and Personality, 10, 227-239.
8.       Tziner, A. (1983). Correspondence between occupational rewards and occupational needs and work satisfaction : A canonical redundancy analysis. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 56, 49-56.
9.       Tziner, A. & Vardi, Y. (1983). Ability as a moderator between cohesiveness and crew performance. Journal of Occupational Psychology, 4, 137-143.
10.   Zedeck, S. Tziner, A., & Middlestadt, S. E. (1983). Interviewer validity and reliability : An individual analysis approach. Personnel Psychology, 36, 355-370.
11.   Tziner, A. (1984). A fairer examination of rating scales when used for performance appraisal in a real organizational setting. Journal of Occupational Behavior, 5, 103-112.
12.   Tziner, A., & Rimmer, A. (1984). Examination of an extension of Guttman’s model of ability tests. Applied Psychology Measurement, 8, 59-69.
13.   Dolan, S., Tziner, A. & Roy, D. (1984). A real estate agency’s level analysis of the climate-performance relationship. Industrial Relations (Canada), 39, 167-176.
14.   Tziner, A. (1984). Prediction of peer rating in a military assessment center: A longitudinal follow-up. The Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, 1, 146-160. 
15.   Tziner, A. & Vardi, Y. (1984). Work satisfaction and absenteeism among social workers : The role of altruistic values. Work and Occupations, 11, 461-470. 
16.   Tziner, A. & Dolan, S. (1984). The relationship of two socio-demographic variables and several perceived climate dimensions to performance: An investigation among real-estate agents. The Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, 1, 272-287.
17.   Tziner, A. & Eden, D. (1985). Effects of crew composition on crew performance: Does the whole equal the sum of its parts? Journal of Applied Psychology, 70, 85-93.
18.   Tziner, A. & Dolan, S. (1985). Identifying female officer potential: An exploration in predictors’ payoff. Industrial Relations (Canada), 40, 87-98. 
19.   Elizur, D. & Tziner, A. (1985). Achievement motive and managerial performance: A three facet design. Journal of Occupational Behavior, 6, 209-228. 
20.   Lampert, S. & Tziner, A. (1985). The pollimeter: A new attitude scaling device. Social Behavior and Personality, 13, 1-10.
21.   Tziner, A. (1986). How team composition affects tasks performance : Some theoretical insights. Small Group Behavior, 17, 343-354.
22.   Tziner, A. (1987). Congruency issue retested using Fineman’s achievement climate notion. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 2, (1), 63-78. 
23.   Tziner, A.  & Elizur, D. (1987). Work values as “reinforcer grouping”: Is there only one underlying structure? Quality & Quantity: An International Journal of Methodology, 21, 377-392. 
24.   Dolan, S. & Tziner, A. (1988). Implementing computer-based automation in the office: A comparative study of experienced stress. Journal of Occupational Behavior, 9, 183-188.
25.   Tziner, A. & Kopelman, R. (1988). The effects of rating format on goal setting dimensions: A field experiment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73, 323-326.
26.   Tziner, A. (1988). Studying the effects of team composition on ranked team effectiveness, using blocked fractional factorial design. Small Group Behavior, 19, 363-378. 
27.   Tziner, A. & Dawis, R. (1988). Occupational stress: A theoretical look from the perspective of work adjustment theory. International Journal of Management, 5, 423-430.
28.   Tziner, A. & Raphaeli, D. (1988). Rater perceptions and rater attitudes toward appraisal: How do they relate to the psychometric quality of rating (in Hebrew). Man and Work 1, 153-166. 
29.   Tziner, A. & Latham, G.P. (1989). The effects of appraisal instrument performance feedback and goal on worker satisfaction and commitment. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 10, 145-153.
30.   Birati, A. & Tziner, A. (1990). A note on the estimation of economic utility of personnel programs (in English). Man and Work (Israel), 2, 44-52. 
31.   Tziner, A. & Falbe, C.M. (1990). Actual and preferred climates of achievement orientation and their congruency: An investigation of their relationships to work attitudes and performance in two occupational strata. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 11, 159-168.
32.   Tziner, A. & Rimmer, A. (1991). Models of intelligence tests and methods for their corroboration (in Hebrew). Megamot, 33, 390-403. 
33.   Tziner, A., Haccoun, RR., & Kadish, A. (1991). Personal and situational characteristics influencing the effectiveness of transfer of training improvement strategies. Journal of  Occupational Psychology, 64, 167-177.
34.   Tziner, A. (1992) A comparative examination of structural models of ability tests. Quality & Quantity : An International Journal of Methodology, 26, 383-394.
35.   Tziner, A. & Falbe, C.M. (1993). Training related variables, gender and training outcomes : A field investigation. International Journal of Psychology, 28, 203-221. 
36.   Tziner, A, Ronen, S., & Hacohen, D. (1993). A four year validation study of an assessment center in a financial corporation. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 14, 225-237. 
37.   Tziner, A, Reid, A., & Dolan, S. (1993). Les centres d’evaluation: Une revue critique de quelques themes fondamentaux. Canadian Psychology, 34, 110-120. 
38.   Tziner, A., Kopelman, R. & Livneh, N. (1993). Effects of performance appraisal on goal characteristics, appraisal process satisfaction and changes in rated job performance. Journal of Psychology, 127, 281- 291
39.   Tziner, A., Meir, I.E., Dahan, M., & Birati, A. (1994). An investigation of the predictive validity and economic utility of the assessment center for the high-management level. Canadian Journal for Behavioral Sciences, 26, 228-245.
40.   Tziner, A. (1993). The assembly bonus effects: A commentary on the dispute between Michaelson, et al (1989, 1992) and Tindale and Larson (1992). International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 1, 241-243.
41.   Birati, A. & Tziner, A. (1995). Successful promotion of early retirement: A quantitative approach. Human Resource Management Review, 5, 53-62. 
42.   Petterson, N. & Tziner, A. (1995). The cognitive ability test as a predictor of job performance: Is its validity affected by job complexity and tenure within the organization? International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 2, 237-241.
43.   Tziner, A., Latham, G., Prince, B., & Haccoun, R.R. (1996). Development and validation of a questionnaire for measuring political considerations in performance appraisal. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 17, 179-1.
44.   Tziner, A., & Birati, A. (1996). Assessing employee turnover costs: A revised approach. Human Resource Management Review, 6, 113-122. 
45.   Tziner, A., & Birati, A. (1996). Withdrawal behavior and withholding efforts at work: Assessing the financial cost. Human Resource Management Review, 6, 305-353. 
46.   Tziner, A., Murphy, K.R., Cleveland, J.N., Beaudin, G., & Marchand, S. (1997). Impact of rater beliefs regarding performance appraisal and its organizational context on appraisal quality. Journal of Business and Psychology, 12, 457-467. 
47.   Birati, A. & Tziner, A. (1996). Withdrawal behavior and withholding efforts at work: Assessing the financial cost. Human Resource Management Review, 6, 305-314. 
48.   Meir, E.I., Tziner, A., & Glazner, Y. (1997). Environmental congruence group importance and satisfaction. Journal of Career Assessment, 5, 343-353.
49.   Tziner, A., Prince, B., & Murphy, K.R (1997). PC PAQ: The questionnaire for measuring perceived political considerations in performance psychometric qualities. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12, 189-199.
50.   Tziner, A., Kopelman, R., & Joanis, C. (1997). The consequences of performance appraisal format: A field experiment examining attitudinal effects. Canadian Journal for Administrative Sciences, 14, 396-404. 
51.   Thornton, G.C. Tziner, A., Dahan, M., Clevenger, J.P. & Meir, E. (1997). Construct validity  of assessment center judgments: Analyses of the behavioral reporting method. Journal of Social Behavior and Personality, 12, 109-128. 
52.   Smith, D., & Tziner, A. (1998). Moderating effects of affective disposition and social support on the relationship between person – environment fit and strain. Psychological Reports, 82, 963-983.
53.   Birati, A. & Tziner, A. (1999). Economic utility of training programs. Journal of Business and Psychology, 14, 155-164. 
54.   Tziner, A. (1999). The relationship between distal and proximal factors and the use of political considerations in appraisal. Journal of Business and Psychology, 14, 217-231.
55.   Tziner, A., & Murphy, K. R.        (1999). Additional evidence of attitudinal influences in performance appraisal.       Journal of Business and Psychology, 13, 407-420. 
56.   Tziner, A., Joanis, C., & Murphy, K. R. (2000). A comparison of three methods of performance appraisal with regard to goal properties, goal      perception and ratee satisfaction. Group and Organization Management.
57.   Birati, A., & Tziner, A. (2000). Cost-benefit analysis of organizational interventions: The case of downsizing, Journal of Business and Psychology, 15, 277-286. 
58.   Tziner, A., Murphy, K.R., & Cleveland, J.N. (2001). Relationships between attitudes toward organizations and performance appraisal systems and rating behavior. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 9, 226-239.
59.   Tziner, A., & Kopelman, R. (2002). Is there a preferred rating format? A non-psychometric perspective. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 51, 479-503.
60.   Kreizberg, E., Tziner, A., & Weisberg, J. (2002). Employee stock options: Are they indeed superior to other incentive compensation schemes? Journal of Business and Psychology, 16 ,383-390.
61.   Sagie, R., Birati, A., & Tziner, A. (2002). Assessing the costs of behavioral and psychological withdrawal: A new model and an empirical illustration. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 51 ,67-89. 
62.   Tziner, A., Meir, E.I., & Segal, H. (2002) Occupational congruence and personal task-related attributes: How do they relate to work performance. Journal of Career Assessment, 10, 401-412.
63.   Tziner, A., Nicola N., & Rizac, A. (2003).  Relations between social cohesion and team performance in soccer teams.  Perceptual and Motor Skills, 96, 145-148 
64.   Tziner, A., Murphy, K. & Cleveland, J. (2003). Personality moderates relationships between context factors and rating behavior. In S. Shohov (Ed.) Advances in Psychology Research, Vol. 22 (pp. 107-120). Hauppauge, New York: Nova Science Publishers.   
65.   Tziner, A. Vered, E. & Ophir, L (2004).  Predictors of job search intensity among college graduates Journal of Career Assessment, 12, 332-344.
66.   Tziner, A (2004).  Performance feedback to judges in Israel:  Is it so terrible?  Man and Work (Israel), 13, 6-18.
67.   Tsabari, O., Tziner, A., & Meir, I. E (in press).  Updated meta-analysis on the relationship between congruence and satisfaction Journal of Career Assessment (in press)
1.       Tziner, A. (1987). The assessment center revisited: practical and theoretical considerations. In R.S. Schuler and S. Dolan (Eds.). Human Resource Management in Canada. (pp. 186-194). St. Paul, MN: West Publishing.
2.       Tziner, A., & Meir, E.I. (1997). Work adjustment : Extension of the framework. In I. Robertson and C. Cooper (eds.), International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 12, 95-114.
3.       Meir, E.I., & Tziner, A. (2000). Cross-cultural assessment of interests.In F.T.L. Long and   A.Barak (Eds.). Contemporary models in vocational psychology, Mahwal, N.J. (pp. 133-166).
4.       Tziner, A., Murphy, K, Cleveland, J.N., & Levy, S (2003). In S. Levy and D. Elizur (Eds.)   Facet theory: Towards Cumulative Social Science. Ljubljana: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Arts. (pp. 197-208).
1.       Tziner, A. & Salpeter, N. (1987). Job analysis and evaluation (in Hebrew). Ramat-Aviv: Everyman’s University.
2.       Tziner, A. & Hepstater, H. (1987). Performance appraisal (in Hebrew). Ramat-Aviv: Everyman’s University.
3.       Tziner, A. & Hepstater, H. (1987). Staffing Organizations (in Hebrew). Ramat-Aviv: Everyman’s University.
1.       Tziner, A. (1982). Once again BARS versus graphic rating scales: A study in an aircraft company setting. American Academy of Management (National Convention). New York. August.
2.       Tziner, A. & Vardi, Y. (1982). Effects of cohesiveness and commanding styles on the performance of tank crews. American Psychological Association. Washington, DC. August.
3.       Tziner, A. & Vardi, Y. (1982). Person- environment congruence and work satisfaction : A canonical redundancy analysis. American Academy of Management (National Convention). New York. August. Printed in Proceedings, pp. 151-155.
4.       Tziner, A. & Eden, D. (1983). A new old question: Does the whole equal its parts or not? An experimental examination of team composition/team performance effectiveness relationship. American Psychological Association. Anaheim, CA. August.
5.       Elizur, D. & Tziner, A. (1984). Achievement motive among Israeli managers: A three facet design. American Psychological Association. Toronto, Canada. August.
6.       Lampert, S. & Tziner, A. (1984). The Pollimeter: A new attitude scaling device. The Association of Vocational and Career Counseling in Israel. Colloquium. Jerusalem.
7.       Tziner, A. & Elizur, D. (1986). Work value structure: A comparison of outcomes from different methods of analysis. American Academy of Management (National Convention). Chicago. August.
8.       Tziner, A.           (1986). Does correspondence between actual and preferred organizational climate impact on work adjustment? 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology. Jerusalem. July.
9.       Tziner, A. (1986). Performance appraisal: Impact of format and participation in performance review. 21st International Congress of Applied Psychology. Jerusalem. July.
10.   Tziner, A. & Kopelman, R.E. (1987).Effects of rating format on goal setting criteria. American Academy of Management (National Convention). New Orleans. August.
11.   Birati. A. & Tziner, A. (1988). A note on the estimation of economic utility of personnel programs. American Academy of Management (National Convention). Anaheim, CA.
12.   Tziner, A. & Latham, G.P. (1988). The effects of appraisal instrument, feedback and goal setting on worker satisfaction and commitment. American Academy of Management (National Convention). Anaheim, CA.
13.   Tziner, A. & Latham, G.P. (1988). A field experiment look at the effects of different performance review methods. 24st International Congress of Psychology. Sydney (Australia). August.
14.   Dolan, S. & Tziner, A. (1991). The assessment center revisited: A critical evaluation of related facets. Eastern American Academy of Management. St. Louis. May.
15.   Tziner, A. & Falbe, C.M. (1992). Training-related variables, gender and training outcomes: A field investigation. American Academy of Management (National Convention). Las Vegas. August.
16.   Tziner, A. & Meir, I.E., Dahan, M., & Birati, A. (1992). An investigation of the predictive validity and economic utility of the assessment        center for the high- management level. The National Convention of the Canadian Association of Psychologists. Quebec. June.
17.   Tziner, A., Kopelman, R.E., & Livneh, N. (1992). Effects of performance appraisal format on goal characteristics, appraisal process satisfaction and changes in rated job performance. American Academy of Management (National Convention). Las Vegas. August
18.   Tziner, A. (1993). The assembly bonus effects: A commentary to the dispute between Michaelsen et al., and Tindale & Larson. American Association of Management (National Convention). Atlanta. August.
19.   Tziner, A., & Plourde, R. (1993). Motives and breakfast consumption: A facet analytic investigation of a particular case of eating behavior. Fourth International Facet Theory Conference. Prague. August.
20.   Birati. A. & Tziner, A. (1994). Successful promotion of early retirement. American Association of Management (National Convention). Dallas. August.
21.   Tziner. A.        (1995). The relationship of some distal and proximal factors with the extent of use of political considerations in performance appraisal. American Academy of Management (National Convention). Vancouver, Canada.
22.   Tziner, A. (with E. Meir & Y. Gati, (1995). Symposium on work adjustment: Attitudinal and behavioral outcomes. Annual Convention of the Israel Association of Psychology, Beer- Sheva, October.
23.   Birati, A., & Tziner, A. (1997). An amended approach to the cost-benefit analysis of training in organizations. Eastern Academy of Management, Boston, May.
24.   Tziner, A. (with E. Meir, B. Nevo, Y. Gati. & D. Malul, (1997). Symposium on vocational psychology Post trends and future perspectives. Annual Convention of the Israel Association of Psychology, Tel-Aviv, October.
25.   Birati, A., & Tziner, A. (1998). Cost benefit analysis of organizational interventions : The case of downsizing/restructuring. American Academy of Management (National Convention), San Diego, August.
26.   Tziner, A., Murphy, K R., & Cleveland, J.N. (1998). Relationship between attitudes toward organization and performance appraisal systems and rating behavior. International Congress of Applied Psychology, San Francisco, August.
27.   Tziner, A., Kreizberg, E., & Weisberg, J. (2000). Monetary cost of non-monetary rewards: Employee stock options. Eastern Academy of Management, Danvers, Massachusetts, May.
28.   Tziner, A., Murphy, K., & Cleveland, J. (2000). Performance appraisal: Related variables and outcomes. XXVII International Congress of Psychology, Stockholm, July.
29.   Tziner A., & Birati, A. (2000). Financial value of work behavioral and HRM practices. International Congress of Psychology, Haifa, June.
30.   Murphy, K., Cleveland, J., & Tziner, A. (2001). Cross-national consistency in relationships between attitudes toward organizations and performance appraisal and rating behavior. Global HRM Conference, Barcelona, June.
31.   Tziner, A., Sagie, A., & Birati, A. (2001). Assessing the costs of behavioral and psychological withdrawal: A new model and empirical illustration. Eastern Academy of Management, New York, May.
32.   Tziner, A., Murphy, K. Cleveland, J.N., & Levy, S (2003). Examining the structure of performance appraisal behavior.  Facet theory convention, Ljubljana, August.
33.   Tziner, A., (2004) Work adjustment, work attitudes and work behavior:  A revised model of interrelationships.  ISSWOV Convention, New Orleans, August.
1.       Tziner, A., Fisher, M, & Senior, T.  Effects of trainee and work environment on training outcomes.
2.       Goldberg, S., Roni, O., & Tziner, A.   Counterproductive behavior at work.
3.       Tziner, A.  A revised model of work adjustment, work attitudes and work behavior.
      Have supervised 16 graduate students in conducting their research theses and 14 graduate students in performing their MBA research seminar.  Presently supervising 8 graduate students in doing their MBA research seminar. 
·         Grant “Golda Meir Institute”, Tel-Aviv University.  1990. The effects of compressed work week.
·         Grant Office of Research, Université de Montréal (CAFIR). 1992. Contextual variables and the psychometric quality of performance ratings.
·         Canadian Council for Research in Social Sciences (CCRSS).
1.       1992. Organizational politics, reward systems and performance appraisal (with G.   Latham, B. Prince and R. Haccoun).
2.       1992. Improving training transfer: New strategies (with R. Haccoun).
3.       1993. Team performance appraisal (with B. Prince and D. Waldman).
·         Canadian Council for Research in Social Sciences (CCRSS).
1.       1994. Relations entre la congruence individu-environnement, l’importance du   groupe de travail et les attitudes au travail.
2.       1995. The impact of distal and proximal factors on performance appraisal (with    K. Murphy and J. Cleveland).
·         The Israel Science Foundation.
1999. Attitudes and perceptions of managers in relations to the process of performance appraisal: Impact on the quality of performance ratings.


1976-1978 Israel Defense Forces (IDF), Department of Behavioral Science.

Areas of Social and Vocational Psychology (applications to the military  setting).

1979 Israel Psychological Association – Division of Social and Vocational Psychology.

Expert in Social and Vocational Psychology.


1975 IDF Israel Behavioral Sciences   Senior Research Officer
1979-1980 Israel Aircraft Industries  Lod, Israel Manpower Division Manpower Consultant
1979-1980 Tel-Aviv University Ramat-Aviv, Israel Labor Studies Instructo (part time)
1980-1984 Tel-Aviv University Ramat-Aviv, Israel Labor Studies Instructor (full-time)
1983 (Fall) University of Minnesota Psychology  Honorary Fellow
1984-1985 Bar-Ian University Economics & Business  Senior Lecturer
1987-1988 Ramat-Gan, Israel Administration
1984/1/3 Tel-Aviv University Labor Studies     Senior Lecturer (tenured)
1991/23/1 Ramat-Aviv, Israel
1986 (May-June) University of Minnesota Minneapolis, USA Psychology  Honorary Fellow
1985-1987 The City University of New York, NYC, USA Management  Visiting Associate Professor
Fall 1989 State University of New- York at Albany, USA Management Visiting Professor
1990/2 Tel-Aviv University Ramat-Aviv, Israel Labor Studies Department Chair
1989-2000 Human Resource Management Review Member of the Editorial Board
1995-2000 Journal of Organizational Behavior Member of the Editorial Board
Since 2001 Group and Organization Management Member of the Editorial Board
1991-1993 Université de Montréal Canada Psychology  Associate Professor
1993-1997 Université de Montréal Canada Psychology  Full Professor (tenured)
1997-2003 Bar-Ilan University Ramat-Gan, Israel School of Business Administration Invited Research Professor
1997 The Academic College of Netanya, Israel School of Business Administration Full Professor (tenured) and Dean


1982 American Psychological Association (Washington, DC, USA)
1982 National Convention of the Academy of Management (New York, USA)
1983 American Psychological Association (Anaheim, CA, USA)
1984 American Psychological Association (Toronto, Canada)
1988 National Convention of the Academy of Management (Anaheim, CA, USA)
1991 First International Congress on Prejudice, Discrimination and Conflict (Jerusalem, Israel)
1992 National Convention of the Academy of Management (Las Vegas, NV, USA)
1995 National Convention of the Academy of Management (Vancouver, Canada)
1995 The Annual Convention of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (Windsor, Ontario)
1997 Annual Convention of the Israel Association of Psychology (Tel-Aviv, Israel)
2000 International Conference on Psychology – “Psychology after the Year 2000” (Haifa, Israel)
2000 XXVII Internal Congress of Psychology (Stockholm, Sweden)
2002 National Convention of the Academy of Management (Denver, U.S.A.)
2003 Ninth International FT Conference (Ljubljana, Slovania)
2004 ISSWOV Conference (New Orleans, U.S.A)


1973 Bar-Ilan University, Israel ,Scholarship for M.A Studies
1981 Tel-Aviv University and The Department of High Education, Histadrut, Israel  Doctoral Study Research Award
1986, 1996 Who’s is Who in the World
2000 Who’s Who in Management Sciences
2002 SIOP,  APA Fellow


1978 Israel Psychological Association Member
1979 Israel Psychological Association – Division of Social and Vocational Psychology Expert
1985 The American Academy of Management Member
1987 Israel Psychological Association –Division of Social and Vocational Psychology Instructor and Supervisor
1991 – 1997 Canadian Psychological Association Member
1993 – 1997 The New York Academy of Sciences Member
1995 American Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Member
2002 American Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Fellow
2002 ‏American Psychological Association Fellow


Work Adjustment; Job Attitudes and Organizational Behavior; Human Resources Management; Organization Staffing (Personnel Selection and Placement); Performance Appraisal; Groups in Organizations: Structure and Processes; Research Methodology.



1982 Visiting Assistant Professor of Management, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada (was not realized due to personal constraints)
1983 Reviewer: Buros Mental Measurement Yearbook
1985 Reviewer: Political Psychology
1986 Reviewer: Political Psychology; Journal of Vocational Behavior; Academy of Management Journal; Journal of Applied Psychology

The Academy of Management (National Convention Program); American Institute for Decision Sciences (Northeast Convention)

1987 Reviewer: The Academy of Management (National Convention Program);

Journal of Applied Psychology

1988 Reviewer: Journal of Applied Psychology; Journal of Occupational Psychology
1989 Reviewer: The Academy of Management (National Convention Program); Journal of Applied Psychology
1989 Visiting Associate Professor of Management, University of Washington, USA (was not realized due to personal constraints).
1990 Reviewer: The Israel Academy of Sciences (Management Division); Journal of Applied Psychology; The Israel – U.S. Binational Foundation
1991 Member: The Scientific Committee: The Third International Congress on Facet Theory
1992 Reviewer:  Journal of Applied Psychology; International Journal of Psychology

Basic Research Foundation, Israel

Program Chair:  Université de Montréal. Symposium on selected themes in Industrial and Organizational (I/O) Psychology

1993 Discussant:  The Annual Conference of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Lake Louise, Canada (Personnel recruitment and selection session)

The Annual Conference of the Association of Management, Atlanta, USA

Reviewer:  Best Paper Award Committee: The Academy of Management, HRM Division

1994 Reviewer:   Canadian Review of Administrative Sciences; Applied Psychology: An International Review; Journal of Organizational Behavior; Israel-Germany Research Foundation.
1995 Reviewer:  Applied Psychology: An International Review; Journal of Organizational Behavior; International Journal of Psychology.
1995 Session Organizer:  The Annual Conference of the Association of Management, Vancouver, Canada (Human Resources Management – A macro perspective).
1996-1997 Nomination committee:  The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences – The prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel.
1998 Reviewer:  Journal of Applied Psychology; American Academy of Management (National Convention); International Journal of Manpower; Journal of Organizational Behavior.
1999 Reviewer:  Journal of Applied Psychology.
2000 Reviewer:  Journal of Applied Psychology; Group and Organization Management; GIF.
2001 Reviewer:  Journal of Applied Psychology; Eastern Academy of Management American Academy of Management National Convention; Organizational Research Methods.

International Journal of Manpower

Discussant:  The Annual Convention of the American Academy of Management, Washington, D.C.

2002 Reviewer SIOP, Group and Organization Management; American Academy of Management (National Convention).

Chair   The Annual Convention of the American Academy of Management, Denver.

2003 Reviewer:  American Academy of Management (Convention)

Group and Organization Management;

Ninth International FT Conference.

Chair:  Ninth International FT Conference;

Western Academy of Management Annual Convention

2004 Reviewer:   International Journal of Manpower;

Megamot;  Group and Organization Management

מחלקות ומדורים


בתי ספר

קרנות הוקרה וסיוע – חרבות ברזל


המכללה האקדמית נתניה גאה בסטודנטיות ובסטודנטים המשרתים במילואים, המתנדבים בפעילויות השונות, העוסקים בפעולות הבטחון וההגנה השונות. בתקופה מאתגרת וכואבת זו, אנו עושים כל מה שביכולתנו על-מנת לאפשר לכם להתנהל בשגרת החרום.

בנוסף למפורט במתווה ההתאמות וההקלות לכלל הסטודנטים ולמשרתים במילואים ובכוחות הבטחון, מציעה המכללה אפיקי סיוע נוספים לסטודנטים:

מענק בסך 1,000 ש"ח לסטודנטיות ולסטודנטים שגויסו בצו 8 למילואים. המענק הועבר למשרתים אשר עדכנו אותנו. במידה וטרם עשית זאת – נודה לעדכון כאן.

קרן חירום ע"ש רחל עזריה ז"ל – הקרן מעניקה מלגות לסטודנטים משרתים במילואים שנקלעו לקשיים כלכליים וכן למי שהם או בני משפחתם נפגעו באופן ישיר מהלחימה. לצורך הגשת בקשה יש לפנות למדור מלגות במכללה [email protected]


שירות לסיוע נפשי–  כדי להקל על הקושי הרב הנובע מהאירועים הטרגיים שאנחנו עוברים, המכללה תממן 2 פגישות עם פסיכולוג.ית לכל סטודנט.ית הזקוק.ה לכך וכן תסבסד עוד 4 פגישות בהמשך בהתאם לצורך.

השירות ניתן על ידי מכון טריאס-שריג בעל נסיון רב בעבודה במוסדות אקדמיים.  פניות ניתן להתקשר למכון בימים אי-הי, בין השעות 8:00-17:00 בטלפון 03-6483102 או גם לכתוב מייל אל [email protected]

במקרים דחופים, ניתן להתקשר גם עד שעות הערב לטלפון 054-5317899. למידע נוסף לפנות למדור מלגות: [email protected] ;

מוקדי סיוע נפשי חיצוניים, דרכם ניתן לקבל תמיכה

*      הקו החם של עמותת ער"ן (עזרה ראשונה נפשית) בטלפון: 1201, שלוחה 6

*     סה"ר – סיוע והקשבה ברשת – ניתן לפנות אליהם בצ'אט דרך האתר שלהם

*      קו הסיוע והתמיכה של עמותת נט"ל (נפגעי טראומה 1-800-363-363


אנו מייחלים כי חג החנוכה יביא עמו אור גדול ובשורות טובות

הודעות לסטודנטים

בהתאם להוראות פיקוד העורף:

בהישמע אזעקה במכללה עליכם להגיע תוך דקה וחצי למרחבים המגונים או לגרמי המדרגות הקרובים ביותר, יש להתרחק מחלונות, תמונות ופתחים

ולהישאר במשך כעשר דקות לפחות במרחב המוגן.


להלן רשימת המקומות המגונים:


בניין 1:

קומת כניסה – חדר מורים ליד המעלית.

קומה 1 – ממ"ד סיפריה.

קומה 2 – אולפני טלוויזיה ליד המעלית.


 בניין 2:

גרמי המדרגות – הנמצאים בכל הקומות 0,1,2 {לרדת חצי קומה רחוק מהדלתות}

ממ"ד קומה 1- הרדיו 106 {קומת משרדים 1 -}


לשאלות נוספות ניתן לפנות למנהל הבטחון –   054-6929244

הודעות לסגל

תאריך:  18.10.2023 – דיור למפונים במעונות המכללה האקדמית נתניה

שלום רב,

חברת איסתא נכסים, המפעילה את מעונות הסטודנטים במכללה האקדמית נתניה החלה לשכן בשבוע שעבר, תושבים מאזור הדרום והצפון בחלק מחדרי המעונות.

מדובר על דירות סטודיו לזוגות על בסיס מקום פנוי.

כרגע הוקצו למעלה מ-20 דירות פנויות לטובת הפרויקט.

הדירות מאובזרות באופן מלא הכולל מקלחת ושירותים, מיזוג, טלוויזיה עם חיבור למחשב, מטבח ובו מיקרוגל, קומקום וכיריים חשמליים.

המגורים במעונות הינם בחינם לגמרי

יצוין לחיוב שיתוף הפעולה:

* הקהילה המקומית בקרית השרון אשר תרמה ציוד, מזון יבש חטיפים שמיכות כריות, טואלטיקה וכיו"ב.

* מאפיית לחם האופים שמסייעת גם אך לא רק בארוחות בוקר לדיירים אלה.

* הקולג'ים גם נתן לנו אפשרות להכניס את הדיירים בשעות מסוימות לבריכה ולמכון הכושר.

המעוניין להפנות משפחות מקו העימות למגורים במעונות או לסייע בתרומה של ציוד, מזון או כל דבר אחר, יפנה לשמואל לסרי מנהל מתחם המעונות בנייד 054-3261268 (אם אין מענה נא לשלוח וואטסאפ).

בע"ה יגיעו ימים טובים יותר וביחד ננצח.

שמואל לסרי
מנהל מתחם המעונות

תאריך:  12.10.2023

לידיעתכם : בשל המצב הבטחוני, כל הבחינות מוקפאות. נעדכן בהמשך לגבי המועדים החדשים. מאחלים לכולם ימים רגועים.

תאריך:  12.10.2023

בשלב זה לא מתקיימים לימודים ובחינות בקמפוס המכללה