ד"ר עדנה רבנו

שם:ד"ר עדנה רבנו
תפקיד:מרצה, ראש הרשות לקידום הוראה
מחלקה:ביה"ס למדעי ההתנהגות
דוא"ל:[email protected]
1994-1997  B.A. בפסיכולוגיה ומנהל עסקים – האוניברסיטה העברית ירושלים בהצטיינות.
1997-2001  M.A. במנהל עסקים בהתמחות ניהול והתנהגות ארגונית – אוניברסיטת בר-אילן בהצטיינות. תזה בנושא: " ממדי אישיות כחזאים של תהליכים דיפרנציאליים של עזיבה רצונית את הארגון". מנחים: פרופ' אברהם (רמי) שגיא ז"ל ופרופ' משה קראוס.
2008-2012 Ph.D  במנהל עסקים בהתמחות התנהגות ארגונית- אוניברסיטת בר-אילן. תזה בנושא: "הקשר בין הון פסיכולוגי, דרכי התמודדות עם לחץ בעבודה, שלומות וביצועים". מנחים: פרופ' דב אליצור ז"ל וד"ר איל יניב.
שרות צבאי
קורס קצינות תחזוקה – בהצטיינות.
קורס הדרכה טובה – בהצטיינות.
כסג"מ – שירות באוגדת עזה, בתפקיד קצינת מבצעים בתחזוקה.
כסגן – מדריכת קצינות חיילית בבה"ד 6. חשיפת דרגות ל כ- 80 קצינות בצה"ל.

Scholarly Conferences

Active Participation



Role Subject of Lecture/Discussion Place of Conference Name of Conference Date
Lecturer Comparing SSA and Factor Analysis – The case of coping with stress

Rabenu, E1., Elizur, D.,2 & Yaniv, E2.

1.Netanya Academic College

2. Bar-Ilan university

Riga, Latvia The 14th ISSWOV Conference. Values in shock: The role of contrasting management, economic, and religious paradigms in the workplace 2014 June-July
Lecturer The relationship between psychological capital capacities and coping strategies with stress at work.

Rabenu, E.

Tel Aviv, Israel The 36th Annual Conference of the Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) 2015

June- July

Facilitator (session chair) and lecturer Workaholism – An interaction between internal and external factors

Rabenu, E., Shkoler, O., & Tziner, A., Netanya Academic College


New Haven, CT, USA The 53rd annual meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management (EAM) Theme: Collaboration 2016


Lecturer Management in the age of positive psychology.

Rabenu, E.

Kibbutz Shefayim, Israel The joint conference for the development of individuals, teams and organizations 2017


Lecturer and poster presenter Psycho-Tribology: An interdisciplinary view on employees’ burnout processes [Presentation]

Rabenu, E.1, Etsion, I.2, Tziner, A1, Laor, N.3, & Oren, L.4

1.School of Behavioral Sciences
Netanya Academic College, Israel.

2.Mechanical engineering faculty Technion, Israel.

3. Department of medical education Tel-Aviv university, Israel.

4. Department of Behavioral Sciences Ariel university, Israel.

Retrospective on Work Relationships: Implications for the New Era Workplace [Poster]

Chernyak-Hai L. & Rabenu E*.

Netanya academic college, Israel

*The authors contributed equally to this work.

Washington, D.C., USA The 125th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA) 2017, August
Lecturer Where are our relationships headed? Changes in Labor Relations in the New Era.

Rabenu, E.

Ruppin Academic Center The joint conference for the development of individuals, teams and organizations 2018 February
Session chair and


Symposium: Heavy work investment in the 21th century: New perspectives and cultural differences.

Understanding the relationship between antecedents of heavy work investment (HWI) and burnout. [Presentation]

Tziner, A1, Buzea, C.,2 Rabenu, E.1, Truta, C.,2 & Shkoler, O.3

1. Netanya Academic College, Israel.

2. Transilvania University of Brasov, Romania.

3. Perez Academic College, Israel.

“Until death do us part”: An explorative investigation of abandon-resistance among (very) old Entrepreneurs. [Presentation]

Ferrari, F.1 & Rabenu, E2.

1. School of Economics, Management and Statistics, University of Bologna, Italy

2. Netanya Academic College, Israel.


Trieste, Italy. The 16th ISSWOV Conference. Organization 4.1: the role of values in the organizations of the 21th century. 2018


A mediator The subject of the round table- Finding terminology that can replace the term academic boycott (as it is not accurate) Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel Academic freedom round table 2019

June 17

Non-traditional work arrangements: challenges for organizations and
workers (presentation)Rabenu, E.International student mobility: What are the underlying reasons for this phenomenon? (poster)Rabenu, E. & Shkoler, O.
Brasov (Romania) The 17th ISSWOV Conference. 2020*

June 28 – July 1


*Accepted. Postponed to next year due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

Organization of Conferences or Sessions

Role Subject of Conference/

Role at Conference/


Place of


Name of



Organizing and hosting the conference In memory of Prof. Ayala Malach-Pines Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel Work burnout 29.12.13


Organizing the conference and lecturing.  Lecture title: The role of the human factor in the risk management theory In collaboration with the Israeli Society for Human Resource Management, Research and Development Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel Human risk management 26.3.14
Organizing the conference and lecturing. Lecture title: Management, overwork and burnout In collaboration with Dr. Sharona Aharony–Goldenberg, Netanya Academic College and Prof. Lonnie Golden, Penn State Abington University Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel Overwork: Multi-Disciplinary Analysis 24.12.14
Organizing and hosting the conference In memory of Prof. Elchanan Israel Meir Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel Career decisions 13.3.15
Organizing and hosting the conference In collaboration with Dr. Ronit Waismel-Manor, Netanya Academic College, and with the Israeli Society for Human Resource Management, Research and Development Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel Work, parenthood and career 11.11.15
Organizing the conference In collaboration with Dr. Lily Chernyak-Hai, and the Israeli Society for Employment consultancy (Ayellet) Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel Consultants' knowledge of labor market 4.5.2016
Organizing the conference In collaboration with the Israeli Society for Human Resource Management, Research and Development Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel The annual Excellence in Human Resources Conference 19.12.16
Organizing and chair of the Conference Session: Antidiscrimination laws in the workplace: Do they achieve their goal? Workers with disabilities as a test case Law and Space – multidisciplinary aspects Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel The Israeli Law and Society Association annual conference (2017) 6.2.17
Organizing Committee, Chair, lecturer of presentation


The philosophical and psychological status of facet theory’s mapping sentence as illustrated in a case study of workplace discrimination.

Rabenu, E., Netanya academic college, Israel, and Hackett, P.; Emerson College, USA. University of Gloucestershire University, UK. Of Cambridge, UK.


Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel 16th International Facet Theory Conference


June 26-29, 2017
Organizing the symposium Heavy-Work Investment in the 21st century: New perspectives and cultural differences


The University of Trieste, Italy


The 16th ISSWOV Conference. Organization 4.1: the role of values in the organizations of the 21th century. 2018


Organizing the conference In collaboration with the Israeli Society for Employment consultancy (Ayellet) Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel Who writes my career script 2019



  1. Scholarly Conventions
Role Subject of Lecture/Discussion Place of Conference Name of Conference Date
  The structure of coping with stress.


Rabenu, E1., Elizur, D.,2 & Yaniv, E2.

1.Netanya Academic College

2. Bar-Ilan university

Recife, Brazil The 14th International Facet Theory Conference (FTA) 2013 August
  HR Strength as a Mediator or a Moderator in the Relationship between HR Practices and Organizational Innovation? The Romanian Study [Poster]

Rabenu, E1., Tziner, A1., Sharoni, G1., Vasiliu, C2., & Felea, M.2

1.School of Behavioral Sciences
Netanya Academic College, Israel.

2. Bucharest Academy of Economics Studies, Bucharest, Romania.

Denver CO, USA The 124th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association (APA) 2016, August
  Organizing the confusion surrounding workaholism: New structure, measure and validation.

Shkoler, O1.

Rabenu, E1.

Cristinel1, V2

Sharoni, G1,

Tziner, A1.


1.Netanya Academic College, Israel.

2. Bucharest Academy of Economics Studies, Bucharest, Romania.


Netanya Academic College, Netanya, Israel 16th International Facet Theory Conference


June 26-29, 2017
  Explaining the Relationships between Leader-Member Exchange, Team-Member Exchange and Counterproductive Work Behavior: The Role of Work Engagement and Emotional Exhaustion.


Lebron, M1., Tabak, F1., Shkoler, O.,2 & Rabenu, E.3.

1.Towson University, USA

2. Peres Academic Center, Israel

3. Netanya Academic College, Israel

Providence, Rhode Island., USA The 55rd annual meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management (EAM) Theme: Impact: Making a difference through research, teaching & service 2018



The comparison between factor analysis and smallest space analysis (SSA)

Sharoni, G1., Shkoler, O2., Rabenu, E1, Tziner, A.1, & Vasiliu, C3.


1.     Netanya Academic College, Israel

2.     Peres Academic Center, Israel

3.     Bucharest Academy of Economics Studies, Bucharest, Romania.

The University of Trieste, Italy


The 16th ISSWOV Conference. Organization 4.1: the role of values in the organizations of the 21th century. 2018


The complexity of heavy work investment: Opportunities and Threats

A moderated mediation analysis of the dynamics between team-member exchange and turnover intentions: Impact of work engagement and leader-member exchange.


Tabak, F. 1, Shkoler, Or2., Lebron, M. 1 and Rabenu, E.3


1.Towson University, USA

2. Independent researcher, Israel

3. Netanya Academic College, Israel


Portland, Maine, US


The 57rd annual meeting of the Eastern Academy of Management (EAM). Conference Theme: Being Human in the Digital World




  1. Invited Lectures\ Colloquium Talks
Presentation/Comments Name of Forum Place of Lecture Date
Coping with burnout Occupational Physicians Association conference about work burnout Rabin Medical Center – Beilinson Hospital 17.9.14
Performance appraisal Keynote speaker before graduate students. Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo, School of Behavioral Sciences 4.6.15
Workaholism – An interaction between internal and external factors Departmental seminar at the Graduate School of Business Administration (in memory of Prof. Rami Sagi) Bar-Ilan University 21.6.16
Performance appraisal Keynote speaker before graduate students Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo, School of Behavioral Sciences 7.6.16
The Relationship between Psychological Capital, Coping with Stress, Well-Being and Performance Symposium in Memory of Prof. Dov Elizur Bar-Ilan University, School of Business Administration 20.12.16
A challenge in research processes – Psychological capital and coping with stress and burnout as case studies Invited lecture by Prof. Ram Herstein (Seminar for excellent students)



Faculty of Business at the College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan 21.3.17
Power in management Invited lecture by Dr. Julita Haber from Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University, New York. As part of the Israel global immersion: business management in Israel Netanya Academic College


Workshop: Positive Psychology as the basis for creating personal and organizational leadership. Together with Ekroni Moshe, VP of Quality at Verint. Invited lecture from HR’US Kfar hamacabiah 15.9.19


Ph.D. Dissertation

Rabenu, E. (2012 Dec.). The relationship between psychological capital, strategies of coping with stress at work, well-being and performance. Bar-Ilan University. Supervisors: Prof. Dov Elizur and Dr. Eyal Yaniv. 162 pages. [Hebrew] See also items number 11, 14, 29, 31 in the publication list







Edited Books and Special Journal Issues


Number Impact factor Citations
1 Tziner, A., & Rabenu, E. (2011). Performance appraisal at work: Evolution and change. Ra'anana, Israel: Open University [Hebrew].   5
2 Tziner, A., & Rabenu, E. (2018). Improving Performance Appraisal at Work: Evolution and Change. Cheltenham, UK:  Edward Elgar Publishing Limited.   3
3 Shkoler, O., Rabenu, E*., Hackett, P. M. W., & Capobianco, P. (2020). International Student Mobility and Access to Higher Education.  New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. doi: https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-030-44139-5

*[Author of:

3a Chapter 1: Defining International Student Mobility and Higher Education (pp. 1-27). Or Shkoler and Edna Rabenu.   1
3b Chapter 3: The Reasons for International Student Mobility (pp. 61-125)

Edna Rabenu and Or Shkoler.

3c Chapter 4: Marketing Standpoints of International Students (pp. 127-191)

Or Shkoler and Edna Rabenu.

3d Chapter 5: Recommendations and Remedies (pp. 193-220)

Edna Rabenu and Or Shkoler.]


Under Review

4  Rabenu, E. (under review). 21st-Century Workplace Challenges: Perspectives and Implications for Relationships in New Era Organizations. Lanham, MD: Lexington books

Articles in Refereed Journals


Number Impact factor Citations
5 Tziner, A., & Rabenu, E. (2007). Contextual and individual factors affecting rating behavior. Man and Work, 15, 7-22 [Hebrew].
6 Rabenu, E. (2014). Amendment of the work and rest hours law for managers and workers in trusted jobs (Amendment 14): Will limiting working hours reduce burnout? Netanya Law Review, 9, 341-364 [Hebrew].
7 Tziner, A., Rabenu, E., Radomski, R., & Belkin, A. (2015). Work stress and turnover intentions among hospital physicians: The mediating role of burnout and work satisfaction. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 31(3), 207-103. doi:10.1016/j.rpto.2015.05.001. IF = 1.565 (2019)


8 Rabenu, E., & Tziner, A. (2016). Employee Resilience: A Faceted Analytical Approach. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9(02), 480-485. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/iop.2016.43 IF = 3.174 (2019)


9 Rabenu E., & Tziner, A. (2016). Performance Appraisal in a Constantly Changing Work World. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 9(02), 370-377.‏ http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/iop.2016.28. IF = 3.174 (2019)


10 Rabenu, E., & Tziner, A. (2016). Selection of employees with disabilities – Has the burden on the employer become too heavy? Amfiteatru Economic, 18 (42), 423-431. IF = 1.625 (2020)


11 Rabenu, E., Yaniv, E., & Elizur, D. (2016). The Relationship between Psychological Capital, Coping with Stress, Well-Being and Performance. Current Psychology, 36(4), 875-887. doi: 10.1007/s12144-016-9477-4 IF =2.051 (2019)


12 Rabenu, E., & Chernyak-Hai, L. (2017). Subtle discrimination as natural “Equal Reaction” to organizational actions, and practical ways to soften it. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 10(1), 111-118. doi IF = 3.174 (2019)


13 Shkoler, O., Rabenu, E., Vasiliu, C., Sharoni, G., & Tziner, A. (2017). Organizing the Confusion Surrounding Workaholism: New Structure, Measure, and Validation. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1803. doi:  https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2017.01803 IF = 2.067; (2020)


14 Rabenu, E. & Yaniv, E. (2017). Psychological Resources and Strategies to Cope with Stress at Work. International journal of psychological research, 10(2), 8-15. http://dx.doi.org/10.21500/20112084.2698 SJR=0.26



15 Rabenu, E., Tziner, A., & Sharoni, G. (2017). The relationship between work-family conflict, stress, and work attitudes. International Journal of Manpower, 38 (8), 1143-1156. https://doi.org/10.1108/IJM-01-2014-0014





16 Rabenu, E., & Aharoni-Goldenberg, S. (2017). Understanding the relationship between overtime and burnout. International Studies of Management and Organization (MIMO), 47(4), 324-335. https://doi.org/10.1080/00208825.2017.1382269 IF=1.49 (2019)


17 Shkoler, O., Rabenu, E., & Tziner, A. (2017). The dimensionality of workaholism and its relations with internal and external factors. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 33, 193-203. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rpto.2017.09.002 IF = 1.565 (2019)


18 Rabenu, E., Tziner, A., Oren, L., Sharoni, G., & Vasiliu, C. (2018).  HR Strength as a Mediator or a Moderator in the Relationship between HR Practices and Organizational Innovation? The Romanian Study.  Journal of East European Management Studies23(2), 203-233. doi: 10.5771/0949-6181-2018-2-203 IF=0.760 (2019)


19 Rabenu, E., & Tziner, A. (2018). Adapting to the New Era: A necessary move for the advancement of robust science. Amfiteatru Economic, 20(48), 470-476. doi: 10.24818/EA/2018/48/470 IF = 1.625 (2020)


20 o   Chernyak-Hai, L., & Rabenu, E. (2018). The new era workplace relationships: Is social exchange theory still relevant? Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 11(3), 456-481. doi: https://doi.org/10.1017/iop.2018.5

* The authors contributed equally to this work

IF = 3.174 (2019)


21 o   Tziner, A., Shkoler, O., Rabenu, E., & Oren, L. (2018) Antecedents to Burnout Among Hospital Doctors: Can they cope? Medical Research Archives, 6(10), 1-19. IF=1.87



22 o   Lebron, M., Tabak, F., Shkoler, O., & Rabenu, E. (2018).  Counterproductive Work Behaviors and Leader-Member Exchange: The Mediating Roles of Emotional Exhaustion and Work Engagement. Organization Management Journal (OMJ), doi:  10.1080/15416518.2018.1528857 IF=0.27



23 o   Tziner, A., Buzea, C., Rabenu, E., Shkoler, O., & Truța, C. (2019). Understanding the Relationship Between Antecedents of Heavy Work Investment (HWI) and Burnout. Amfiteatru Economic, 21(50), 153-176. doi: 10.24818/EA/2019/50/153 IF = 1.625 (2020)


24 Rabenu, E., & Tziner, A. (2018). What Curbs Frontiers Research? A reaction to Rotolo et al.'s Paper. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 11(2), 227-231. Doi: IF = 3.174 (2019)


25 Rabenu, E., Shkoler, O., Lebron, M., Tabak, F. (2019). Heavy-Work Investment, Job Engagement, Managerial Role, Person-Organization Value Congruence, and Burnout: A Moderated-Mediation Analysis in USA and Israel. Current Psychology. 1-18. doi: 10.1007/s12144-019-00423-6 IF =2.051 (2019)


26 Shkoler, O., Rabenu, E., Tabak, F., & Lebron, M. J.  (2019). Leader- and team-member exchanges and their relationships with organizational and interpersonal counterproductive work behaviors: Moderation by envy and group size in Israel and USA. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 35(3), 145-156. doi: https://doi.org/10.5093/jwop2019a19 IF = 1.565 (2019)


27 ·        Rabenu, E., & Tziner, A. (2020). Applying psychological capital to senior management development – a "must" and not "nice to have". International Journal of Business and Management, 15(2), 62-66.  doi: 10.5539/ijbm.v15n2p62


IF= 1.223



Articles or Chapters in Scientific Books (which are not conference proceedings)

Published (Refereed)




28 Rabenu, E., Elizur, D., & Yaniv, E. (2015). Comparing SSA and Factor Analysis – The case of coping with stress. In: A. Roazzi, B.C. Souza & W. Bilsky (Eds.). Facet Theory: Searching for Structure in Complex Social, Cultural & Psychological Phenomena (pp. 139-152). Recife, Brazil: Editora Universitária/UFPE.



29 Rabenu, E., Elizur, D., & Yaniv, E. (2015). The structure of coping with stress. In: A. Roazzi, B.C. Souza & W. Bilsky (Eds.). Facet Theory: Searching for Structure in Complex Social, Cultural & Psychological Phenomena  (pp. 167-182). Recife, Brazil: Editora Universitária/UFPE.



30 Rabenu, E. (2017). Positive psychological capital: From strengths to power.  In: V. Muhlbauer & W. Harry (Eds.). Redefining management: Smart power perspectives (pp. 81-106). Switzerland, Cham: Springer Inc. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-69209-8_6 2


Articles in Conference Proceedings




31 Rabenu, E., Elizur, D., & Yaniv E. (2013). The structure of coping with stress. In: Roazzi, A.; Souza, B.C. & Bilsky, W. (Eds.). Facet Theory: Searching for Structure in Complex Social, Cultural & Psychological Phenomena (pp. 175-192). Editora Universitária/UFPE:Recife,Pernambuco. http://issuu.com/14fta/docs/issuu_fta_book See also article number 29 in section D
32 Rabenu, E., Elizur, D., & Yaniv E. (2014). Comparing SSA and Factor Analysis – The case of coping with stress. In: Jorge F. S. Gomes & Joaquim P. Coelho (Eds.). Values in shock: The role of contrasting management, Economic, and Religious paradigms in the workplace (pp. 444-452). ISSWOV – International Society for the Study of Work & Organizational Values Department of Management and Marketing Louisiana State University:  Shreveport, LA, USA. See also article number 28 in section D


33 Rabenu, E., Shkoler, O., & Tziner, A. (2016).  Workaholism – An interaction between internal and external factors. Eastern Academy of Management (EAM), New Haven, Connecticut USA.


Other Publications [Hebrew]

רבנו ע. וצינר, א. (2014). מיון עובדים בעלי לקות, האם הנטל על המעסיק הפך כבד מידי? פסיכואקטואליה, רבעון הסתדרות

הפסיכולוגים בישראל, פברואר, 10-13.

רבנו, ע. (2014). עובדים ממורמרים – סכנה לקיומו של העסק. Ynet  ( 25.03.14 )



רבנו, ע. ואהרוני-גולדנברג, ש. (2016). האם אפשר לייתר את עבודת היתר. דה מרקר (1.2.16)



רבנו, ע. (2016). חוזרים למהפכה התעשייתית: על הפרילנסרים – שבתקשורת כ"כ אוהבים להעסיק. Ice (25.5.16)



רבנו, ע. וצינר, א. (2016). החובות והזכויות של בעלי מוגבלות. גלובס (21.8.16).



צינר, א. ורבנו, ע. (2016). תנו לחרדים ללמוד בקמפוס נפרד. דה מרקר(30.8.16)



רבנו, ע. (2016). למה אנחנו עדיין צריכים משאבי אנוש. ynet (19.12.16)




רבנו, ע. (2019). להצטמצם או להתרחב? השכלת סטודנטים במאה ה-21. הארץ, מוסף קמפוס, עמוד 12 (10.3.19)


רבנו, ע. (2019).  120 שנה אחרי מחאת ה-1 במאי, העובדים לא פחות מנוצלים. דה מרקר – הארץ, עמוד 20 (1.5.19).



רבנו, ע. (2019). סטודנטים בינלאומיים – מנוע כלכלי בהישג יד. גלובס (17.11.19).



רבנו, ע. (2020).  על קורונה, חוסן ומה שביניהם. מוסף לימודים וקריירה Mako (20.3.2020). https://www.mako.co.il/study-career-career/articles/Article-54685d71833f071027.htm?sCh=3d385dd2dd5d4110&pId=1886690599


רבנו, ע. (2020) ללמוד באקדמיה זה משחק ילדים. מוסף חינוך והשכלה, דה מארקר, הארץ (31.3.2020)



רבנו ע. (2020). מרגישים שהכול גדול עליכם כרגע? יש לזה שם. וואלה בריאות (26.4.2020). https://healthy.walla.co.il/item/3350742


רבנו ע. (2020)הכי קל לוותר על לימודים לעובדים. זה לא אומר שזה נכון. וואלה עסקים (25.8.2020)



הופעות בתקשורת:


"עושים סדר חדש" עם בן כספית. ראיון בנושא הגבלת יום העבודה  16.12.14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGOoWo47ilo


"עושים סדר חדש" עם בן כספית. ראיון בנושא שחיקה בעבודה. 8.1.14



אולפן Ynet  עם עמית קוטלר, כתבה בילי פרנקל. סקר: השעות הנוספות – בחירה, לא אילוץ 20.2.16





תכנית יומן הצהריים של גלי צה"ל עם יעל דן  בנושא שחיקה בעבודה (פרומו לכנס( 29.12.1


רשת ב' תכנית עם איריס לביא בנושא שחיקה בעבודה 30.12.13

תכנית יומן אזרחי ברשת ב' בנושא התמודדות עם לחץ הפוגע בתפקוד בעבודה בימים קשים אלה (צוק איתן) 4.8.14. תכנית עם פאר לי שחר.


תכנית "הקול בקריירה" עם חגית סנובסקי בנושא התמודדות עם שחיקה. תחנת רדיו אינטרנטית18.2.2015 I like my radio




מעריב און ליין- סקר לרגל יום האישה: 38% מהנשים בישראל הוטרדו מינית בעבודה. כרמית ספיר8.3.2015  ויץ   http://www.maariv.co.il/news/israel/Article-467198



כלכליסט- בתל אביב עובדים יותר שעות מאשר בניו יורק, לונדון או פריז. מעין מנלה. 28.9.15




מעריב און ליין- כיצד תתמודדו עם השפעות המלחמה במקום העבודה. כרמית ספיר ויץ. 30.7.14



גלובס- אל תהססו לייחצן את עצמכם, גם מרחוק. שירי דובר 26.3.2020



וואלה עסקים- קיצצו לי 30 אחוז מהשכר, ואז הלכו והביאו מישהו שמרוויח פי 2 ממני. דוד רוזנטל 13.8.2020




רבנו, ע. (2015). מתן הקלות במבחני מיון למועמדים בעלי הפרעות קשב ולקויות למידה – מניעת אפליה או הטעייה המעסיק? פורטל העמותה לניהול, פיתוח וחקר משאבי אנוש בישראל



Submitted Publications

Rabenu, E., & Tziner, A. (under review). Back to Routine after the Coronavirus Pandemic Lockdown– A Proposal from a Psychological Perspective. Industrial and Organizational Psychology. (18 June 2020)
Tziner, A. & Rabenu, E. (under review). The Corona Pandemic: A challenge to performance appraisal. Industrial and Organizational Psychology (18 June 2020)
Shkoler, O., Rabenu, E., Iqbal, M.Z., Ferrari, F., Hatipoglu, B., Roazzi, A., Kimura, T., Tabak, F., Moasa, H., Vasiliu, C., Tziner, A., and Lebron, M.J. (under review). Heavy-Work Investment scale and demographics in 9 countries: Did the COVID-19’s context make a difference? Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology (2 July 2020)







Edna Rabenu, PhD



Personal Details

Office Telephone Number: 972-9-8607802

Electronic Address: [email protected]



Year of Approval of Degree Degree Name of Institution

and Department

Period of Study
1997 B.A.  (cum Laude) Psychology and Management, Hebrew University 1994-1997
2001 M.A. (Magna cum Laude) Business Administration (MBA) Management and Organizational Behavior, Bar-Ilan University 1997-2001
2012 Ph.D.


Business Administration Management and Organizational Behavior, Bar-Ilan University 2008-2012
Title of Doctoral Dissertation The relationship between psychological capital, strategies of coping with stress at work, well-being and performance.
Names of Supervisors: Prof. Dov Elizur and Dr. Eyal Yaniv


Title of Thesis Dissertation Personality dimensions of employees as predictors of differential processes of voluntary turnover.
Names of Supervisors: Prof. Abraham Sagie and Prof. Moshe Krausz.



Academic Ranks and Tenure in Institutes of Higher Education

Rank/Position                                      Name of Institution and Department Dates
Adjunct Lecturer Netanya Academic College, Schools of Behavioral Sciences and Business Administration 2008-2013
Adjunct Lecturer Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo, School of Behavioral Sciences 2011-2015
Doctoral Instructor Netanya Academic College, School of Behavioral Sciences 2013-2014
Lecturer Netanya Academic College, School of Behavioral Sciences 2014- 2017
Senior Lecturer Netanya Academic College, School of Behavioral Sciences 2017- present
Adjunct Senior Lecturer School of Business Administration, Bar-Ilan University 2017- present

Offices in Academic Administration

Netanya Academic College

Head of the authority for promoting teaching (since 2020)

Member of the authority for promoting teaching (since 2016)

Member of teaching committee – School of Behavioral Sciences (since 2018)

Scholarly Positions and Activities outside the Institution

Membership in Professional Societies

APA- American Psychological Association, 2017-present (member ID is 00149347)

SIOP- Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 2019-present (member ID is 140019)

FTA- Facet Theory Association, 2017- present

ISSWOV- International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values, 2018-present

Israeli Society for Human Resource Management, 2013 – present

Israeli Association for Organizational Development, 2013- present

IFOR – International Freedom of Research, 2015-present

Professional activities

Judge in the “Excellence in human resource” competition conducted by the Israeli Society for Human Resource Management, Research and Development, 2014-present

Reviewing experience

Reviewer of manuscripts in journals[1]

Ad-hoc reviewer – International Journal of Manpower (2015)

Ad-hoc reviewer – International Journal of Stress Management (2016)

Ad-hoc reviewer – Palliative & Supportive Care (2017)

Ad-hoc reviewer – Frontiers in Psychology (2017; 2019)

Ad-hoc reviewer – Innovations in Management (Coller school of management, Tel Aviv University) (2018) [Hebrew]

Ad-hoc reviewer – International Journal of Organizational Analysis (2018)

Ad-hoc reviewer –Journal of Workplace Learning (2018)

Ad-hoc reviewer -Applied Psychology: An International Review (2018)

Ad-hoc reviewer – Amfiteatru Economic: Special Issue on Heavy work investment (2020)

Ad-hoc reviewer – Group & Organization Management: Special issue on resilience (2020)

Reviewer of manuscripts in conferences

Ad-hoc reviewer – Division 14 (SIOP) APA Reviews (2017, 2018)

Ad-hoc reviewer -Academy of management annual conference (2018)

Reviewer of books

Elsevier publication – proposal for a new book by Prof. Paul Hackett (tentative title: Qualitative and Philosophical Facet Theory) (2017)

Scholarships, Awards and Prizes

Rabenu, E., Shkoler, O., & Tziner, A. (2016, May).  Workaholism – An interaction between internal and external factors. Eastern Academy of Management (EAM), New Haven, Connecticut USA.

Won the Outstanding Paper Award


Netanya Academic College

Excellence in teaching (2012-2013; 2013-2014)

Outstanding faculty member (2014-2015)




Netanya Academic College

Number of Students Degree


Type of Course


Workshop/High Learn Course/ Introduction Course (Mandatory)

Name of Course Year
40 Undergraduate (BA) Lecture Job evaluation and performance appraisal 2008-present
40 Undergraduate (BA) Introduction Course Job analysis and staffing organizations 2010-present
25-40 Undergraduate (BA) Workshop Human Resource Management workshop 2012-2020
40 Undergraduate (BA) Introduction Course Training and organizational development 2014-present
16 Undergraduate (BA) Seminar Issues and Challenges in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management 2020- 2021
40 Graduate (MA)


Lecture Motivation and compensation 2013-present
40 Graduate (MA)


Lecture Management skills


40 Graduate (MA)


Lecture Concepts in behavioral sciences 2014-present
40 Graduate (MA)


Lecture Development and management of teams 2017-


Academic College of Tel Aviv-Yafo

Number of Students Degree


Type of Course Name of Course Year
45 Undergraduate (BA) Lecture Selection, Training and Performance Appraisal (module of performance appraisal). 2011-2015

Bar-Ilan University 


Number of Students Degree


Type of Course


Name of Course Year
50 Graduate (MA)


Lecture Management skills





Professional Experience


1991-1993: Officer in the Israeli Defense Forces; Graduated the corps officers' course and Instructors' course with distinction

1997-1999: Employed at "Mifne", an institute for career development, organizational consultation and occupational guidance

1999-2000: Social coordinator for a class of youth at risk in Hadera

Summary of my Activities and Future Plans

My research activities concentrate on the person in organization, especially in view of changes occurring in the workplace. My aim is to promote knowledge that may lead to a better workplace for employees, managers and the organization alike. I find that to achieve thorough understanding and get to the truth we have to integrate research from various disciplines. As part of this, I am collaborating and intend to collaborate in the future with researchers from various disciplines: psychology, business administration, medicine, engineering, law and more. Combining forces will allow the theoretical whole to be greater than the sum of its parts, particularly in studying modern research domains such as mental burnout at work, employee's resilience, workaholism, and subtle discrimination in organizations.

Research Interests

Performance appraisal; Heavy work investment; Workaholism; Coping with stress; Burnout; Psychological capital; Resilience; Human resource management; Workplace in the 21th century; Mobility of international students.



Special Projects

I was involved in a research project at Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center (Ichilov) on physicians according to an innovative model based on combining psychology and engineering, in collaboration with Prof. Yitzhak Etzion (Technion), Prof. Nathaniel Laor (Tel Aviv University), Prof. Aharon Tziner (Netanya Academic College), Dr. Lior Oren (University of Ariel).

Cooperation with Dr. Julita Haber, (Director, Full time MBA Program and Clinical Assistant Professor, Communications and Media Management) from Gabelli School of Business, Fordham University, New York. Assisting in organizing Israel global immersion: business management in Israel. January 2019


2017- present, founder and one of the leading team members of “Mothers with meaning” community in Hadera


[1] See confirmation for these review verifications in Publons https://publons.com/dashboard/records/review/

מחלקות ומדורים


בתי ספר

קרנות הוקרה וסיוע – חרבות ברזל


המכללה האקדמית נתניה גאה בסטודנטיות ובסטודנטים המשרתים במילואים, המתנדבים בפעילויות השונות, העוסקים בפעולות הבטחון וההגנה השונות. בתקופה מאתגרת וכואבת זו, אנו עושים כל מה שביכולתנו על-מנת לאפשר לכם להתנהל בשגרת החרום.

בנוסף למפורט במתווה ההתאמות וההקלות לכלל הסטודנטים ולמשרתים במילואים ובכוחות הבטחון, מציעה המכללה אפיקי סיוע נוספים לסטודנטים:

מענק בסך 1,000 ש"ח לסטודנטיות ולסטודנטים שגויסו בצו 8 למילואים. המענק הועבר למשרתים אשר עדכנו אותנו. במידה וטרם עשית זאת – נודה לעדכון כאן.

קרן חירום ע"ש רחל עזריה ז"ל – הקרן מעניקה מלגות לסטודנטים משרתים במילואים שנקלעו לקשיים כלכליים וכן למי שהם או בני משפחתם נפגעו באופן ישיר מהלחימה. לצורך הגשת בקשה יש לפנות למדור מלגות במכללה [email protected]


שירות לסיוע נפשי–  כדי להקל על הקושי הרב הנובע מהאירועים הטרגיים שאנחנו עוברים, המכללה תממן 2 פגישות עם פסיכולוג.ית לכל סטודנט.ית הזקוק.ה לכך וכן תסבסד עוד 4 פגישות בהמשך בהתאם לצורך.

השירות ניתן על ידי מכון טריאס-שריג בעל נסיון רב בעבודה במוסדות אקדמיים.  פניות ניתן להתקשר למכון בימים אי-הי, בין השעות 8:00-17:00 בטלפון 03-6483102 או גם לכתוב מייל אל [email protected]

במקרים דחופים, ניתן להתקשר גם עד שעות הערב לטלפון 054-5317899. למידע נוסף לפנות למדור מלגות: [email protected] ;

מוקדי סיוע נפשי חיצוניים, דרכם ניתן לקבל תמיכה

*      הקו החם של עמותת ער"ן (עזרה ראשונה נפשית) בטלפון: 1201, שלוחה 6

*     סה"ר – סיוע והקשבה ברשת – ניתן לפנות אליהם בצ'אט דרך האתר שלהם

*      קו הסיוע והתמיכה של עמותת נט"ל (נפגעי טראומה 1-800-363-363


אנו מייחלים כי חג החנוכה יביא עמו אור גדול ובשורות טובות

הודעות לסטודנטים

בהתאם להוראות פיקוד העורף:

בהישמע אזעקה במכללה עליכם להגיע תוך דקה וחצי למרחבים המגונים או לגרמי המדרגות הקרובים ביותר, יש להתרחק מחלונות, תמונות ופתחים

ולהישאר במשך כעשר דקות לפחות במרחב המוגן.


להלן רשימת המקומות המגונים:


בניין 1:

קומת כניסה – חדר מורים ליד המעלית.

קומה 1 – ממ"ד סיפריה.

קומה 2 – אולפני טלוויזיה ליד המעלית.


 בניין 2:

גרמי המדרגות – הנמצאים בכל הקומות 0,1,2 {לרדת חצי קומה רחוק מהדלתות}

ממ"ד קומה 1- הרדיו 106 {קומת משרדים 1 -}


לשאלות נוספות ניתן לפנות למנהל הבטחון –   054-6929244

הודעות לסגל

תאריך:  18.10.2023 – דיור למפונים במעונות המכללה האקדמית נתניה

שלום רב,

חברת איסתא נכסים, המפעילה את מעונות הסטודנטים במכללה האקדמית נתניה החלה לשכן בשבוע שעבר, תושבים מאזור הדרום והצפון בחלק מחדרי המעונות.

מדובר על דירות סטודיו לזוגות על בסיס מקום פנוי.

כרגע הוקצו למעלה מ-20 דירות פנויות לטובת הפרויקט.

הדירות מאובזרות באופן מלא הכולל מקלחת ושירותים, מיזוג, טלוויזיה עם חיבור למחשב, מטבח ובו מיקרוגל, קומקום וכיריים חשמליים.

המגורים במעונות הינם בחינם לגמרי

יצוין לחיוב שיתוף הפעולה:

* הקהילה המקומית בקרית השרון אשר תרמה ציוד, מזון יבש חטיפים שמיכות כריות, טואלטיקה וכיו"ב.

* מאפיית לחם האופים שמסייעת גם אך לא רק בארוחות בוקר לדיירים אלה.

* הקולג'ים גם נתן לנו אפשרות להכניס את הדיירים בשעות מסוימות לבריכה ולמכון הכושר.

המעוניין להפנות משפחות מקו העימות למגורים במעונות או לסייע בתרומה של ציוד, מזון או כל דבר אחר, יפנה לשמואל לסרי מנהל מתחם המעונות בנייד 054-3261268 (אם אין מענה נא לשלוח וואטסאפ).

בע"ה יגיעו ימים טובים יותר וביחד ננצח.

שמואל לסרי
מנהל מתחם המעונות

תאריך:  12.10.2023

לידיעתכם : בשל המצב הבטחוני, כל הבחינות מוקפאות. נעדכן בהמשך לגבי המועדים החדשים. מאחלים לכולם ימים רגועים.

תאריך:  12.10.2023

בשלב זה לא מתקיימים לימודים ובחינות בקמפוס המכללה